Archive for April, 2016

Music to My Ears

April 29th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Happy Friday.

The other day I was hurrying about my day rushing here and there thinking about all the things I have to do when I got the urge to open the window of my car when I was at the red light and just listen and the most beautiful sound came through. The church bells were ringing.

What an amazing sound and it brought such peace to me. I even forgot what I was rushing around about. It stayed with me for the whole day.

I guess I have to learn to stop and smell the flowers or at least listen to the bells.

Quote for you:

“Sundays observe; think when the bells do chime, ‘T is angels’ music.” George Herbert

Until we meet again, Sharon.

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So that’s What I’m Feeling?

April 28th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon


It’s mercury in retrograde and from what I read there are like a whole bunch of planets in retrograde.

I’ll hold my breath until May 22nd.

I’m Taurus too so effected big time.

Someone told me once to take your finger when you get in your car and mark out the mercury symbol on the dashboard (dust  if you are in my car) to counter the energy. I think I’m  going to look for a mercury necklace and wear it on these occasions. How so very clever of me.

Love you guys!

Quote for you:

I can’t remember where this is from so I do apologize (especially to the Big Guy above if its the bible (I’ll watch for lightening bolts)) but I use it all the time

“Do not worry about tomorrow as God is already there.”

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Letting Go

April 26th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

Here’s a little test. Go into your body right now and see how you feel. Are your shoulders up to your ears? Are your teeth clenched? Are you thinking of things that really don’t matter?

I’ve been trying to get a handle on this throughout the day and not tense  up. I noticed it when I was at the casino once how my body was so rigid.

When I go into my body and let my shoulders drop and the energy flow through me not only do I get a chuckle but I feel so much better. It almost hurts at first to relax. You shoulders go to a place they are not used to and its strange.

Try it you’ll love it!

Quote for you:

“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” — Winnie the Pooh

Until we meet again, Sharon.

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Happy Sunday

April 24th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Happy Sunday Lovely Souls.

I had a wonderful text conversation the other day with the dear or should I say lovely Angela who owns the John of God Crystal Bed in Cobourg. Angela is simply adorable if you have ever had a chance to meet her you will change forever. In the conversation she used the word “lovely” many times which I found very cute and amusing and you know she can get away with it because she is probably the most authentic person I know. I left the text conversation feeling special and downright “lovely”. Thanks Angela.

Quote for you:

“While searching for the Stars she forgot the flowers at her feet.” Author Unknown.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Moving On Up

April 11th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone! You are looking good!

I hate to sound like the Clampetts but my husband and I are moving into the future.

I’m not sure if its because we don’t like change or we are technically lazy but we have had the same phone for years (yes an iphone 4 (not even S) and an old projection TV from many moons ago.

In order to use my phone I basically had to hit it. The lady said the storage was so tight she had to erase everything in order to copy for our new phone.

So don’t be jealous …….but “we got us some new iphones 5E’s”. What a difference. There was a lot of yelling and screaming going on when we realized that we really don’t know any of our passwords and half of our apps are no longer in service but we did it and we are PROUD.

Thank God for the “I cloud” whatever the hell that is.

I even got a new friend to talk to “Siri”. Even though I’m not sure how to make her do things I still like saying “Hey Siri” and have her answer me. I really need more friends.

And the ice cream on the pie is that a month ago we got a flat screen. OK don’t laugh as I know everyone has one or two of them but we just got ours. It’s small but I can’t believe the difference. Crisp and clean. We still haven’t got rid of the projection tv as it weighs a ton and it takes up our whole living room. No one out there saves them do they?

It was always kind of the elephant in the room.

It says its a smart tv but we don’t really know why its smart or what the difference is from a normal “not” smart tv.  Smart just felt like the better choice somehow.


Until we meet again, Sharon



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Farm Boy

April 07th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

I’m starting to get jealous of Farm Boy. My husband has been spending a whole lot of time there. Every day I say to him so what’s up for today and I hear I’m going to Farm Boy.

All the products in our home are starting to have the label farm boy on them. Water, beets, coffee…..

It’s getting a bit eerie.

The good part is that things are tasting delicious especially the water.

So the other day when he told me he’s off to Farm Boy and when he asked me to go I said yes this time.

I had to see what all the action was about.

Here’s a picture of me with the giant monkey that guards the bananas. It’s like Disney land there!


It was tons of fun. I love Longos more than Farm Boy but then we don’t have one close by. If you see Bobby don’t tell him I said so.

Here’s a beautiful flower he bought me. It’s called Star of Bethlehem. Pretty eh?


Quote for you:

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”  Virginia Woolf

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Future Self

April 04th, 2016 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

I can’t believe we have snow. How strange is that? I told Bobby he has to buy me a pressie because it looks a bit like Christmas. Don’t think he went for it.

So last night I lay my head to sleep (how poetic) and like any other night the spirits start coming usually I just ignore and try and get some rest or tell them to leave me alone but this time it was different.

This lady was very persistent and she was walking towards me. She was dressed in this wonderful silk top (that had a matching long maxi silk top over that went down almost to her ankles) with great shoes and smiling from ear to ear. As she got closer into view I noticed she looks like me. I was a little confused as she gets clearer and sure enough it was me. I asked her who are you thinking maybe a guide or something as I don’t have that outfit or those wonderful shoes and she said “I’m your future self”.

I was trying so hard not to lose the connection so I believe I drifting into a semi sleep but I was very much aware.

She took my hand and lead me into the future. Earth’s future I guess.

It was amazing. I had grandchildren. I visited family. The Psychic Cottage was in a huge house which operated as a café and store and lots of events. There was an apartment over. She told me that this was for convenience that there was a house on water. She showed me everything.

I asked her how old she was and she said 68 (I’m 58 now).

Was it real? I have no idea. She eventually got sick of my questions and I guess I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a wonderful feeling. I’m so glad I remembered the conversation. First that I’ll last to 68 and how my children had blossomed even more than they have now. Plus I think I looked better then than I do now.  I guess I should have asked how I do it.

Doreen Virtue has a wonderful meditation which I think is called Manifesting with the Angels and she takes you into your future that you want. It was almost like this but backwards as I wasn’t even thinking about anything like this. If you ever get a chance to do this meditation its a wonderful exercise in asking spirit for what you want.

So if you see me today and I have this weird look on my face (weirder than normal) realize that I saw my future and I like what I see.

Quote for you:

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

Until we meet again, Sharon

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