Archive for the 'Passionate Cupcakes' Category
Congratulations to Chicory Common
Good Morning Everyone. Are you enjoying the sunshine? Oh ya. It’s coming. I can’t wait. Even if we are hit one more time with snow we all know that will be the end. It’s been a LONG winter that’s for sure.
My lovely friend Kathleen opened a wonderful cafe in Durham, Ontario called Chicory Common Natural Foods and Cafe. She was so destined to do this since I knew her.
I can’t believe it but today is her one year anniversary of the opening.
I so wish I could go but it is hours away.
Just taking a moment to say how proud I am that she opened Chicory Common and how excited I am that it is her one year anniversary.
Kathleen thank you for being you. Success looks good on you.
Quote for you:
“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.” Arnold H. Glasgow
Until we meet again, Sharon
2 commentsTarot
Good Morning Everyone. Welcome to The Psychic Cottage blog.
Remember that our Tarot night is tonight with our wonderful passionate cupcake herself  Carolyn of Sands of Time Tarot.
This Motivation, Passion & Cupcake event will be at The Violet Door from 7pm to 9pm. The cost is $5.
Please don’t park in the real estate parking lot as they tow there as well plan on going to Tim’s after which has become our tradition if you want to for a quick tea or coffee before going home.
Hope you can come and bring a friend.
Quote for you:
“Friends, you and me… you brought another friend… and then there were three… we started our group… our circle of friends… and like that circle… there is no beginning or end.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Until we meet again, Sharon
No commentsMotivation, Passion & Cupcakes – Home Edition
Good Morning Everyone and I mean morning its like 6 am.
I have been doing Motivation, Passion & Cupcakes for a lovely group of women in the Newcastle area in their different beautiful homes and it has been such a rewarding experience for me. Although I am the facilitator sometimes I think it is me that is having all the fun! They have a name for the group and their own newsletter which I generate for them and every month we pick a different topic.
Last night we did numerology which is the same class I will be doing on Thursday at The Violet Door. It was a great success. I loved watching them laughing and grinning ear to ear throughout the evening. In the few months we have been having these get togethers they are blossoming in front of my eyes. I do not believe it is the Inspirational Get togethers that is doing it (although it might be the vehicle to get them together) it is the sisterhood that is doing it. The sharing, the caring and of course the cupcakes (lol). It moves home to home and they get to share their homes with each other and the support system is obviously starting to happen. They have touched each others’ lives as well as mine.
I am extremely blessed to be part of this group and I’m hoping that other women think about having a group of their own with their friends so that this energy can continue.
It is the same at The Violet Door with these get togethers. Although the people change each time there are a few that have continued from the beginning and when I see their smiling face each time I know that spirit was up to something when asking me to do these little get togethers. The dynamics are different at The Violet Door as it is a little less intimate and we have the honour of having men at this group which changes it a bit in a wonderful way!
Totally awesome for me.Â
Thanks everyone for being you!
Quote for you:
 “A ministering angel shall my sister be.” William Shakespeare
Until we meet again, Sharon
No commentsGetting Ready For The New Year
Hello Everyone. Welcome to The Psychic Cottage Blog.
How wonderful you popped in.
Last night we had the best Cupcake Get together at The Violet Door. Lots of friends showed up and it was such a delight!
I was so excited that Joanne from The Violet Door came too! Thanks Joanne!
Kim joined us and talked about all the things she does on New Years’ Eve.
One of the things I wanted to share with you as not everyone was able to come is the wonderful manifesting box she makes.
Here are the instructions:
New Year’s Manifesting Box – Kim
To be kept for a year.
Use a box or other container
Write on two envelopes: Whatever is in this envelope is….
On a piece of paper write, Wouldn’t it be nice if… Then write 7 things you would like to remove from your life. Fold and seal in one of your envelopes.
On a piece of paper write, Wouldn’t it be nice if… Then write 7 things you would like to bring into your life. Fold and seal in one of your envelopes.
Place both envelopes in your box and add to the box, things that represent the changes you would like to make.
Seal your box and put away till new years the following year.
Bobby and I have been doing this for years now and when we excitingly look at what we have written things really come true!
Write if you have any questions about how to do it.
She talked about clutter and other magical things. Oh I wish you were there! Next time.
I hope you can join us for our next event where we will be talking about numerology.
You can always find out about these events on The Violet Door’s calendar.
Quote for you:
 “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Until we meet again, Sharon
2 commentsThe Stay Lucky – Rachel’s Blog
Good day Everyone. I hope your Christmas was delightful!
You all know I love love love Rachel who did the illustrations on my website and blog and is the creator of my lovely Lady…well I found out when writing back and forth with her exchanging Christmas blessings that she now has a blog called The Stay Lucky.
Rachel was living in a gorgeous house down in the City. She has a very creative knack as you can well imagine. There is a picture of her City home at the beginning of the blog. Rachel and her wonderful husband Paul and two beautiful children (twins talk about lucky) moved to the Country and are renovating an old home. This blog is about the renovation and I’m gathering as it evolves will be about life in the country.
The house is delightful that they bought. It looks like tons of work but appears they are having tons of fun. I love the way she will only use tradesman from the local area.
I’m so happy for Rachel and her family and I’m so so so happy that she is much closer to me now! A hop, skip and a jump away!
Congratulations Rachel, Paul & Family on your home and your new Blog.
Thank you for being you!
Quote for you:
“Home, the spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.”
~Robert Montgomery
Until we meet again, Sharon
No commentsSweet Phoebe Sunshine – Guest Blog
Good Morning Everyone. I have a wonderful guest blog for you. Darlene you know as my wonderful sister-in-law and I have written about her many times.
Her daughter Kris (my Niece) has a wonderful little daughter named Phoebe Sunshine. You all know Phoebe’s adventure at Starbucks  from my newsletter which is archived here.
Here is what Darlene (Nama) wrote for you about an outing with Phoebe to the Old Mill for Afternoon Tea:
“Imagine a grandmother’s delight going out for afternoon tea with her granddaughter, especially if that granddaughter is only 3 ½. For my birthday my daughter thought I would enjoy a day out with Phoebe and since she loves to dress up and play princess it was a great chance to go to a grown up tea party.While I have been out to restaurants with Phoebe and her brother Miles and they are always well-behaved, I never expected that she was such a perfect little lady. Beautifully dressed in a purple velour dress with matching tights, pink necklace and, of course her crown, she gently tucked her napkin on her lap, sipped her raspberry tea, with several packs of brown sugar added, and very lady-like made her way through 2 scones with jam, a lemon tart, a piece of carrot cake topped with icing, ½ salmon sandwich and an almond cookie. Nama didn’t think she’d like the mushroom quiche tart and tried to eat it but Phoebe quickly commented on where her other tart went and ate that too. After we were finished with all the treats on the tray and her teapot was empty she wiped her mouth and said it was ok to go home now. But before we left she noticed another little girl having tea with her mother. Phoebe carefully looked her over and said, “My dress is much prettier than her’s”. Oh Pea….one day you’re going to get yourself in trouble but right now you are just so darn cute. Nama had the best day ever. Thank you my sweet Pea and thank you Kristine for giving us this special grandmother/granddaughter time together.”
How so adorable is that eh? Darlene, Kris & Phoebe thank you all for being you.
Quote for you:
“Grandmas give you the cherry off the top.” Helen Exley
Until we meet again, Sharon
2 commentsHealing Ways
Good Morning Everyone.
My friend Cynthia of Cynful Musings had a blog about Flash Mob’s and I didn’t really know they had a name but I just love watching them on youtube. I’ve yet to watch one that doesn’t make me cry.
I really believe they are a way of healing a lot of people at one time. How could something that shocks people and makes them smile to the point of tears be a bad thing.
I’d love to be first for shock value! Oh ya!
Life is such fun sometimes isn’t it?
Quote for you:
“One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history.” — Peace Pilgrim
Until we meet again, Sharon
4 commentsCity Cottage Open House
Hello Dear Friends.
Last night was the City Cottage Store Ladies Night and Open House. I couldn’t stay long because I had my cupcake event but I did snap a few pictures in my short visit.
Here’s a picture of Jenny’s gorgeous store in Bowmanville all decked out with the wonderful pizazz that Jenny seems to bring to everything.
It looked amazing. Jenny had these pink beautiful hanging things over her cash. Check it out. You look beautiful Jenny! As always.Â
Here’s a picture of Jenny and Marie from Under the Toadstool.
And beautiful Marla was there.
Congratulations Jenny on your successful Open House!
Quote for you:
“Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Until we meet again, Sharon
3 commentsAngelina Wrona is Amazing!
Good Morning Everyone. I’m all over the place with this hour difference. I don’t know why it has such an effect on me all the time. I hope everyone out there is feeling more grounded than me today.
As promised I am writing today about my adventure at Urban Oasis yesterday.
It have wanted to meet Angelina Wrona for so long and it happened! It was so cool. She is so wonderful and gentle and so very beautiful! She let me take a picture with her. It was such an honour. I was smiling my face off.
 Linda is the owner of Urban Oasis and she is the best. Thank you so much Linda for bringing in Angelina to the store. I think before I got to know Linda that she thought I was a total loony (well she still might even though she knows me, lol)  because I would go in her store in the Oshawa Centre and just drool over these paintings.
Here’s Linda shining her light for everyone. You look Marvelous dear Friend.
So make sure you check out the Urban Oasis stores in the Oshawa Centre and the one at Town Line just outside Zellers entrance! It is full of wonderful gifts and of course amazing paintings.
Thank you both for being you! Success looks great on you both.
Quote for you:
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Herman Cain
Until we meet again, Sharon