Archive for June, 2010

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Message

June 14th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

I know it is speeding around like wildfire but I wanted to repeat it anyway. Dr. Emoto who studies the effects of water is sending around the following prayer for the damage in the Gulf:

“I send the energy of love and gratitute to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton’s, corals, algae and all living creatures….I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

Please share with everyone and if we can all send good wishes then hopefully the mess will be cleared up soon and the damage will be stopped.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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June 12th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good evening everyone. How are you tonight? Rainy day but a good one.

I have laryngitis. It’s the weirdest thing. I don’t feel sick I just open my mouth and squeak. Yesterday it was somewhat sexy today its gone altogether.  

I had to cancel a party tomorrow and everything. You don’t realize the advantage of having words until they are taken away from you.

I’m going to gargle with salt or something and see if I can get my voice back.

Maybe its connected to the runny nose of a few days ago. I know sharing too much with my blog visitors.

 If my 8 am appointment reads this can you give me a call. Too funny I only have her work number.

So that’s it for now. I have lots to write about so will be doing lots of blogs in the next few days. If I can’t talk at least I can write.

Quote for you:

“Skillful listening is the best remedy for loneliness, loquaciousness, and laryngitis.” William Arthur Ward

P.S. I looked up loquaciousness and it is using excess words in speech or writing. Just so you know because I sure didn’t.

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Fitness Test Fiasco

June 11th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,whining

Good Morning Dear Friends. How are you this glorious day.

 I told you the fitness test would be good blog material and I wasn’t wrong.

I get there and they start with the questions. Please don’t think I’m putting them down for doing their job because when it comes to jobs its a cool job and like I’ve said before whatever pays the bills is a good job.

So he starts: 

What do I eat? How many vegetables? How many fruits? How much exercise? Also he is doing all these gadget tests where I don’t think I was doing all too well on.  A daily list of what I eat (good thing it wasn’t today because I think I’ve had a cupcake and a tea all day and its like 5pm).  Who does the cooking (like I’m alive its not me)?

Turns out I have a LOT of body fat and need lots of discipline. 

I said to the guy who was doing my test after he caught his breath about what I do for a living “Psychic Really?” don’t make this a chore for me because I will rebel. Just let me know what I have to do and I will do it. It might take me long but I will do it.

I didn’t finish the tests he made me do and I was fine with that. The guy was shaking his head a bit. He was encouraging but I wasn’t about to do something I really didn’t want to do.

Bobby was horrified and found the whole thing hilarious. You failed a fitness test? I’m like I didn’t fail at all. I’m totally passing I’m at the gym aren’t I? He kind of just shook his head and laughed.  

Today he wanted to get me back there so I didn’t boycott so he’s like let’s just go for a swim and a hot tub and sauna. I’m like NO. Then he got me to say yes by saying something I can never resist even at 52  “I’ll take you for Kawartha Ice Cream first”. Oh ya I’ve got my stuff together where’s the keys.

So we went. I’m glad we did. The hot tub was so relaxing and I love the sauna. I didn’t exercise but then we might go to yoga tomorrow. I love yoga. Belly Dancing is Monday too. I’m back again.

Quote for you:

“No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.” ~Bill Phillips~

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Whose Earth is this Anyway?

June 09th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Blog Friends. I hope this day finds you happy and healthy.

I just received from Joe Vitale a free MP3 download to listen to so that we can all gather our positive thoughts together and get control of this disaster oil spill.

Here’s the link.

When I go into the energy of it I can’t help but seeing the dissappointment the Earth and its water folk are feeling. It also has the energy of a huge warning from our wonderful Mother Earth.

I’m not one for doomsday predictions and I’m not one to be frightened of these things but I really think this one has the feeling of touching the stove and getting burned.

Listen to the MP3 and send good energy to our trusted Earth and water creatures. It might not be the only answer but sending negative energy into negative energy or waiting for the outcome while closing our eyes isn’t the solution either.

Just a thought.

Cree Prophecy

When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Waving Chicken

June 08th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Evening Everyone. How are you tonight?

Welcome to The Psychic Cottage blog.

Tonight I went to the bank and there was a person dressed as a chicken and he/she had a sign to bring in customers. All the while waving to passing cars.

I’m not weirded out by the person in the costume as everyone has to make a living and if it pays the bills why not but it got me to thinking.

Why do we as a society need a chicken pointing us where to eat? Are we that weird?

Let’s say we are driving and we see the waving chicken does it make you want to eat at a certain restaurant?

I guess its the same as the clown for Micky D’s or anything else but it just for an instant gave me one of those moments of where are we in our evolution that this has to happen?

I can see the clown to get the kids. Ok I kind of get that but this was somewhat disturbing.

Nonetheless I turned in and got some chicken. Ha Ha just kidding. I didn’t.

Quote for you:

“People should like weirdness. It adds some taste to the world.”  Jack Molitor

“People who aren’t weird in SOME way are no fun. ”  Joey Devine

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Do you think the Psychic was Wrong?

June 07th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Howdy Everyone. What’s cookin?

I went to the gym tonight and took Belly Dancing. I’ve always wanted to learn. I’ve realized I’m not that co-ordinated though.

I think I got one move. I’m not sure what’s more disturbing that I can’t follow or looking at myself in the mirrors everywhere not following.

I’m still trying to figure out how they shimmy like that?

Long time ago I was told that I had a few lifetimes as a Belly Dancer. One lifetime that’s all I did and I was quite good at it.

I’m going to try and talk to that part of me that did it because my shimmying isn’t working.

It is quite fun though and the idea that there are coins making all this cluttery noise is kind of a feeling of abundance and wealth.

I’ll go next time and hopefully it gets easier. I hope its the same routine though because I don’t know if I can learn another routine so fast.

It didn’t help that I was the only one in the middle of the class that my little coin skirt fell off. That was a little embarrasing. No one said anything but if it were me and it happened to someone else I might have snickered inside. I admit it.

Bobby and I went swimming at the gym this morning. Do you know we have never been swimming together even though we have been together for so many years. We were like little kids. I didn’t have a good experience on the slide. I don’t think it was open and there was no water so I had to waddle down it like a duck. Quack. I’m glad we were alone in the pool. Well if someone was looking at us through the windows I couldn’t see anyway because I took off my glasses.

So that’s my first day at the gym. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures. I know that the fitness test on Thursday is going to be good blog material.

Quote for you:

“Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion”. Martha Graham

(thank goodness, hee hee)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Totally Freaky

June 06th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Now that's Peculiar.

Hi Everyone.

Just one more runny nose story.

Frustrated with my nose and for fear of getting a giant red nose especially when I’m in a television show this week I looked on the internet for ways to get rid of it without drugs.

Bingo I found this.

I did it once and my nose stopped running. I can’t believe it.

I’m saving it and doing it again in a few minutes.

The funny part is I don’t think I really even did it right. My nose just stopped.

I wonder where its going instead? Oh well. I’ll think about that later.

Quote for you:

“People are like stained-glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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I Can’t Believe it!

June 06th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. How are you this strange day?

I woke up with the sniffles and I can’t seem to control this runny nose. I even tried my Netti Pot and it didn’t work. Who knows what’s up with my nose. I can’t wait for Bobby to go to work because I’m stickin’ two Kleenexes up my nose and walking around. If no one can see me is it that bad? If only it were liquid gold!

So yesterday Bobby and I took a big stand. We joined a gym. I really can’t believe it. My experience is and I believe Bobby’s too is we join a gym pay the money and make excuses why we can’t go.

This time is different though. We joined a nice gym with a pool and a sauna and lots of classes. They even have belly dancing.

We went today and I had a sauna hoping to turn off the tap called a nose but it didn’t work. I have a fitness test next week. That should be amusing.

The extra neet part is that they have cable. We don’t have cable at home. The one we had called Look went under and we could never decide what to get then when you don’t pay the $100 a month for a while it kind of gets easier just not to watch television. We were never big television people anyway. I find it somewhat addicting. I’m figuring out when my shows are on and I’m going to exercise when they are on. Double perk. Fringe here I come.

It started because we are going to a wedding and I got this lovely dress but said my arms were droopy and I wished I could do something about them and Bobby wanted to go swimming. So somehow we ended up at the gym. You know once you are in that room they got you. I said to Bobby ok no matter what they say we are not signing up today we are waiting until tomorrow so we can talk about it. We signed that day.

That’s ok by the time we figure out what it was costing us for doing classes and going swimming it was the same amount.

So that’s all the adventures at the moment.

Quote for you:

“If you want to kiss your honey, but her nose is runny, you may think it’s funny but it snot.” (I found this one on the Internet I have no idea who wrote it.)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Happy Birthday Bro!

June 04th, 2010 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. Good Evening.

Today is my brother Alan’s birthday.

You have read about Alan on my blog before. My stories are usually about him trying to make me more main stream and finally surrendering and giving up and letting me be my crazy self.

He’s a great Brother and I love him lots.

He has a lot to be proud of. He’s a wonderful husband, a great brother, a fantastic Dad, a totally cool grandfather, the list goes on and on and on.

So Happy Birthday Alan may this year coming be the best one yet. Thank you for being you.

Quote for you:

“There’s no other love like the love for a brother.  There’s no other love like the love from a brother.”  ~Astrid Alauda

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Cupcakes – The Yummiest Food

June 04th, 2010 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends. I hope this day brings you joy.

I was reading on the net this morning about the sweetest lady (pardon the pun) who does bike rides and along the way goes into bakeries and tests cupcakes. It’s for women only. Here’s the article.

I think its a great idea. I love bike riding and I love cupcakes! My favorite cupcakes in the whole world are at Hanks Bakery in Port Perry. Oh ya. They are like the kind you used to get when you were young. Sweet sweet sweet.

My favorite one is pink icing. Oh now I want one.

I have an old fashioned bike, red. Bobby got it for me one summer for my birthday. It’s beautiful. I put a lttle wicker basket on it.  I was driving it all around until one ignorant guy said “don’t pop a tire”. I was horrified (the Big O sometimes isn’t the classiest of all places) and never went on it again. Apparently sitting on the porch drinking and shouting at a nice lady on a bicycle is a better past time, meow!

This lovely cupcake lady also does websites and illustrations that are so cute. Happy D Designs.

Some people are just so damn adorable eh?

Hyedie thank you for being you.

Quote for you:

“You can’t look at a cupcake without smiling”. (Can’t find who wrote this sorry.)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


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