Jun 6

I Can’t Believe it!

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. How are you this strange day?

I woke up with the sniffles and I can’t seem to control this runny nose. I even tried my Netti Pot and it didn’t work. Who knows what’s up with my nose. I can’t wait for Bobby to go to work because I’m stickin’ two Kleenexes up my nose and walking around. If no one can see me is it that bad? If only it were liquid gold!

So yesterday Bobby and I took a big stand. We joined a gym. I really can’t believe it. My experience is and I believe Bobby’s too is we join a gym pay the money and make excuses why we can’t go.

This time is different though. We joined a nice gym with a pool and a sauna and lots of classes. They even have belly dancing.

We went today and I had a sauna hoping to turn off the tap called a nose but it didn’t work. I have a fitness test next week. That should be amusing.

The extra neet part is that they have cable. We don’t have cable at home. The one we had called Look went under and we could never decide what to get then when you don’t pay the $100 a month for a while it kind of gets easier just not to watch television. We were never big television people anyway. I find it somewhat addicting. I’m figuring out when my shows are on and I’m going to exercise when they are on. Double perk. Fringe here I come.

It started because we are going to a wedding and I got this lovely dress but said my arms were droopy and I wished I could do something about them and Bobby wanted to go swimming. So somehow we ended up at the gym. You know once you are in that room they got you. I said to Bobby ok no matter what they say we are not signing up today we are waiting until tomorrow so we can talk about it. We signed that day.

That’s ok by the time we figure out what it was costing us for doing classes and going swimming it was the same amount.

So that’s all the adventures at the moment.

Quote for you:

“If you want to kiss your honey, but her nose is runny, you may think it’s funny but it snot.” (I found this one on the Internet I have no idea who wrote it.)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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