Archive for April, 2010

Keep On Truckin’

April 12th, 2010 | Category: memories,Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. Welcome to The Psychic Cottage Blog.

I hope this blog finds you well and happy.

The new newsletter is up so if you haven’t signed up add your email and I will make sure you get it. Even send me a quick email and let me know you want to be on it. It’s a fun one. Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family who helped in the Newsletter. Lavender Lady,  Zsuzsana, Eryn, Bear Running, Kris and  Phoebe Sunshine and Angiemae!

I was writing to someone today and I wrote “Keep on Truckin’ ” and I had a major flashback of when I was young.

I’m not sure how it popped out but it just did. It was my favourite saying when I was young I even had a T-shirt.

Isn’t it the best. No matter what is happening in your life just keep on going. Things will get better. They have to. The pendulum can never stay on one side of the fence forever. It’s all about Balance.

Check this out:

How adorable is that?

So my dear friends if things are not going as planned that’s ok just reach forward to a happier feeling and “Keep on Truckin’ “.

Quote for you:

“All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune.” Henry David Thoreau

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Come Feel my Feet.

April 10th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Dear Friends.

How are you this delicious morning? I’m hoping you are all loving your Now.

This morning I was awakened not by my pull aparts words of “Good Morning Honey. How Are you this Morning” but the words “Come Feel my Feet”.

The reason for this is yesterday my husband and I went for pedicures.

There were certain rules. One was that I didn’t share the information with anyone and it had to be “our little secret”. Yes I got permission before writing this. He loves that he went for a pedicure.

As you know my husband is a runner and what happens when you run long distances is that your toenails start to turn black and fall off because of the continuous rubbing against the shoes. A well known saying among runners is “Toenails are for Sissies”.

When he asked around the Running Room about what he could do to prevent this toenail dilemma they said keep getting pedicures.

He didn’t want to go in the mall where I usually go as he thought it would be too much for him so we called a friend who lives way up in Hastings to ask if she would take us for an appointment. Her business is Wrapped in Silk in Hastings. It is a lovely little place and there is a wonderful store inside too that has these beautiful gemstones. It gives the place a nice glow.

When we get there Bobby is like you go first I want to watch what she does. Like any man he questioned every tool, every cream, every”thing” that she did. He was ready.

I had to do a reading that Heather set up for me so I left them alone. I was hoping he didn’t change his mind.

When I got back there was this big smile on his face and he was saying my feet feel so good.

I knew he would love it.

All morning he has been talking about feet. My life is complete now that I know if your second toe is longer than your big toe it is called a Mortin toe. He’s like Forest Gump’s friend talking about shrimp.

We have such fun together. Now we can even share in pedicures.

Quote for you:

“When a marriage works, nothing on earth can take its place.”  Helen Gahagan Douglas

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Yippy! I’m a Great Aunt Again.

April 07th, 2010 | Category: Exciting News,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you doing tonight?

Just got the word that my Niece had a little girl! Too exciting. God is Good.

Congratulations Everyone. Love you All.

Quote for you:

“Babies are such a nice way to start people.”  Don Herrold

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage.

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Do you Remember Stovepipes?

April 07th, 2010 | Category: memories,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. How are you this glorious day that the good Creator provided.

I read on a website today “Love what is Now”. How profound is that? We need to enjoy every minute of every day. We never know what this second is leading us to.

Yesterday I was with my Son and he had on these dress pants. I said to him they look like Stoves. By his look I could tell he was thinking “Do I bite on this one or is this just one of those My Mom is Nuts kind of things.” I had to quickly find someone my age to see if I was imagining things and sure enough my “Ex” was in the room so I said “Do you Remember Stoves?”. Sure enough he did and we had a laugh. They were exactly the same dress pants as Stoves. I look it up when I got home to make sure I wasn’t losing it and sure enough they were called “Stovepipe Pants” from the ’70’s.

How old am I eh? I thought it was hilarious. The kids just rolled their eyes and gave me this look of “whatever floats your Boat Mom”.

Life is such Fun!

Quote for you:

“What Goes Around. Comes Around.” Proverb

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Venus’ Mojo Art

April 05th, 2010 | Category: Exciting News,Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this lovely day? The energy is just a hoppin’ not sure what’s up but it’s feeling very very good.

I had to tell you about something I just came across.

Venus whom I adore and who you know from my many blogs about her is also an Artist (so many gifts my Friend has) and she is selling her art on line and incorporating different mojo’s into them. Like how cool is that?

Check out her new site here. The paintings are beautiful. Think how wonderful it would be having her paintings in your home and knowing that each time you look at it it is resonating with a mojo that you picked for it.

I’m going to be so rich one day and have a different one in each part of our home with the particular mojo for that area in Feng Shui. My house would be spinning with good luck!

Oo la la I’m liking it very very much.

Thank you Venus for Being you. Love you tons.

Quote for you:’

“To transmit the spirit, there must be form. When the form, the mind and the hand are in total accord, each forgetting the other’s separate existence, then the spirit will reside in your work.”  Tung Ch’i-Ch’ang

Until We Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Happy Easter

April 04th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

Happy Easter to you and yours.

May God Bless you and keep you well.

Quote for you:

“On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.”  Douglas Horton

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Perfecting Chai Latte & Finding Nirvana in All this Clutter

April 03rd, 2010 | Category: In the Kitchen with Sharon,Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. Are you enjoying the weekend? I hope so.

This blog is somewhat scattered.  I would offer a map but I’m sure you are used to me by now.

It seems that for me time is standing still.

My mundane day job contract has come to an end and I’m only off one day and I’m at a bit of a loss what to do with myself. It’s funny when I was working I don’t stop. I’m busy all the time. Now I have the time I’m like where is the “busy” I’m used to.

I’m sure its just a lull before the storm so I’m just going with it.

What I have decided to do before I start a new contract or win the lottery whichever comes sooner, is clean up my clutter and perfect the Chai Latte. That is my goal.

I read in a blog that Lakshmi visits the cleanest house on Diwali and I have decided that I want her to visit my house in November. Yes my Family and Friends in 2010. Geez I heard you you know. Chuckle.

So if anyone has a messy house and would like to join me on this adventure write to me and we can join up together. We can support each other. There is no reason we can’t clean up the world one house at a time together. If I get enough people I can do up a Newsletter for that reason and we can all add to it and make a group. Instead of the Red Hat Society we can be the “I know my Hat was Somewhere in this Mess society”. No Virgos allowed. Just kidding I’m sure there are messy virgos out there somewhere.

My chart has a complete virgo interception. What that means is (to the best of my knowledge) that virgo is no where in my chart at all! Explains a lot.

If you have ever wondered what your chart says about you I have on The Psychic Cottage site an Astrological Profile that gives you all the wonderful gifts you have based on your astrological chart. I apologize as its only for women. It’s an amazing read and you can find out wonderful things about yourself.  There are also profiles available for children. It is wonderful to explore your child’s gifts and help them shine.

All in all I just don’t want six months to go by and I say to myself oh I should have done this or that. I’m on a mission this time.

The Chai dilemma comes because as you know on one of our date days Bobby bought me a milk frother.  I am having such fun trying to make coffee’s like Starbucks would make. Every night I’m like ok Bobby try this one or that one.

I should get a day job at Starbucks or something and find out how to do it. It’s all so exciting. I’ve always loved fancy coffees and how they look and taste. This little Keurig frother works better than anything I’ve ever tried. The good part about it is it stays foamy and doesn’t go back into milk. I find the one on the espresso machines don’t work as well for me. Maybe it is all in the temperature.

When I find my camera in all this clutter I’m going to show you how I have perfected it. It’s so pretty.

I’m going to go to my coffee supplier today and see if I can get some Chai cups and some espresso cups. Ok so I’m not achieving anything too spectacular but it does make me happy and when people are happy it adds to the energy to keep us in balance.

Quote for you:

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Happy Birthday to the Psychic Cottage Blog

April 02nd, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. Such a wonderful day it is isn’t it?

It is two years today that I started The Psychic Cottage Blog with a blog called Welcome.

Imagine that. Two years gone by in a blink. So much has happened for The Psychic Cottage in this time.

Now we have our own location in Bowmanville and our radio show on , the Newsletter,  life is good.

Makes me excited as to what will happen in the next two years. Especially as the energy is getting so strong lately.

I just wanted to thank everyone who visits  the TPC blog. I am so grateful for you and I am sending with this Blog a big bouquet of blessings to you all. May you all find your passion and let go of what no longer serves you. May success hunt you down even if you are resisting it. May money find its way into your pockets and may your bank accounts overflow with cash and may you always have a divine surplus of abundance in your life. May you be the healthiest you have ever been. May you have wonderful people in your life who Love you and you Love them. May you and Yours all be Safe and Happy.

Thank you all for Being You. Love you tons.

Quote for You:

“How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it!” George Elliston

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Happy April Fools Day.

April 01st, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. How are you today? The weather is heating up! Oo la la. It’s going to be a great summer for sure.

I never liked April Fools Day. There is something about it. It gives me the Willies. Sometimes I wish I could go to sleep the whole day and wake up on the 2nd.

I think because I’m so gullible (or pollyanna)  I’d believe anything. Really? You don’t say? Get out?  I get sucked in every time. Hook, Line and Sinker. Even though I know it is April Fools Day it happens every year.

This morning I woke up to get Bobby off to work and he said something was on my face. I think he said a big red mark or something. Now mind you I was tired but I fell for it and went running to the washroom. Then he’s like April Fools. Urrggghhh. This day gives all the people in the world the right to be silly and you can’t do a thing about it. I’m not even clever enough to get the person back. It doesn’t help I have a smile on my face 100% of the time.

I read something I wanted to share with you to bring money in your life.

Look to your right, close your eyes three times, open them and there will be a little fairy. Say to her “An extra thousand dollars comes to me today with harm to none.” April Fools! See I told you I’m not good at this. Hey if it works tell me about it and I’ll do it every day! Stranger things have happened!

Quote for you:

“It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor.”  ~Max Eastman

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


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