Apr 1

Happy April Fools Day.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. How are you today? The weather is heating up! Oo la la. It’s going to be a great summer for sure.

I never liked April Fools Day. There is something about it. It gives me the Willies. Sometimes I wish I could go to sleep the whole day and wake up on the 2nd.

I think because I’m so gullible (or pollyanna)  I’d believe anything. Really? You don’t say? Get out?  I get sucked in every time. Hook, Line and Sinker. Even though I know it is April Fools Day it happens every year.

This morning I woke up to get Bobby off to work and he said something was on my face. I think he said a big red mark or something. Now mind you I was tired but I fell for it and went running to the washroom. Then he’s like April Fools. Urrggghhh. This day gives all the people in the world the right to be silly and you can’t do a thing about it. I’m not even clever enough to get the person back. It doesn’t help I have a smile on my face 100% of the time.

I read something I wanted to share with you to bring money in your life.

Look to your right, close your eyes three times, open them and there will be a little fairy. Say to her “An extra thousand dollars comes to me today with harm to none.” April Fools! See I told you I’m not good at this. Hey if it works tell me about it and I’ll do it every day! Stranger things have happened!

Quote for you:

“It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor.”  ~Max Eastman

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


2 Comments so far

  1. Lavender Lady April 1st, 2010 1:15 pm

    WOW It really works.
    I look to the right and blinked and yes I did see the fairy. I said the sentence out in my best voice and just then the telephone rang. OMG I won a trip to Florida and it was worth $1,000.00.
    I could not believe my ears, it was a miracle. I was so excited I called my Neighbour Penny and lo and behold she also won the same trip. So we are going to go together. Life is good…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..APRIL FOOLS………………………………….

  2. Sharon April 1st, 2010 2:40 pm

    You are so funny my Sister! Love you, Sharon

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