Apr 3
Perfecting Chai Latte & Finding Nirvana in All this Clutter
Good Morning Everyone. Are you enjoying the weekend? I hope so.
This blog is somewhat scattered. I would offer a map but I’m sure you are used to me by now.
It seems that for me time is standing still.
My mundane day job contract has come to an end and I’m only off one day and I’m at a bit of a loss what to do with myself. It’s funny when I was working I don’t stop. I’m busy all the time. Now I have the time I’m like where is the “busy” I’m used to.
I’m sure its just a lull before the storm so I’m just going with it.
What I have decided to do before I start a new contract or win the lottery whichever comes sooner, is clean up my clutter and perfect the Chai Latte. That is my goal.
I read in a blog that Lakshmi visits the cleanest house on Diwali and I have decided that I want her to visit my house in November. Yes my Family and Friends in 2010. Geez I heard you you know. Chuckle.
So if anyone has a messy house and would like to join me on this adventure write to me and we can join up together. We can support each other. There is no reason we can’t clean up the world one house at a time together. If I get enough people I can do up a Newsletter for that reason and we can all add to it and make a group. Instead of the Red Hat Society we can be the “I know my Hat was Somewhere in this Mess society”. No Virgos allowed. Just kidding I’m sure there are messy virgos out there somewhere.
My chart has a complete virgo interception. What that means is (to the best of my knowledge) that virgo is no where in my chart at all! Explains a lot.
If you have ever wondered what your chart says about you I have on The Psychic Cottage site an Astrological Profile that gives you all the wonderful gifts you have based on your astrological chart. I apologize as its only for women. It’s an amazing read and you can find out wonderful things about yourself. There are also profiles available for children. It is wonderful to explore your child’s gifts and help them shine.
All in all I just don’t want six months to go by and I say to myself oh I should have done this or that. I’m on a mission this time.
The Chai dilemma comes because as you know on one of our date days Bobby bought me a milk frother. I am having such fun trying to make coffee’s like Starbucks would make. Every night I’m like ok Bobby try this one or that one.
I should get a day job at Starbucks or something and find out how to do it. It’s all so exciting. I’ve always loved fancy coffees and how they look and taste. This little Keurig frother works better than anything I’ve ever tried. The good part about it is it stays foamy and doesn’t go back into milk. I find the one on the espresso machines don’t work as well for me. Maybe it is all in the temperature.
When I find my camera in all this clutter I’m going to show you how I have perfected it. It’s so pretty.
I’m going to go to my coffee supplier today and see if I can get some Chai cups and some espresso cups. Ok so I’m not achieving anything too spectacular but it does make me happy and when people are happy it adds to the energy to keep us in balance.
Quote for you:
“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein
Until we meet again, Sharon
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