Archive for January, 2009

Very Eerie.

January 11th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this Gorgeous Night?

I’m here just waiting for my other other half to come home. My pull apart as Demi Moore says in the movie The Butchers’ Wife. It was a cute movie.

Don’t tell anyone but I’m trying to make tomato sauce. I used to be such a great cook. I’m not sure what happened to me but I lost all interest. I have been trying to cook dinner for Bobby when he comes home on Sunday’s after working all day in his new job. He is delighted when he knows dinner is ready.

I had the weirdest experience today. I did a reading on one of my clients’ husband and he had the same birthday as my younger son. The weird part was he looked like my son and even had those steely blue eyes that seems to see things others don’t, he acted like my son, and had the same mannerisms as my son. It was like I was looking at my son in the future.

It was a very strange feeling.

I think 2009 is going to be one of those years which everyone will be searching to make sense of things. Those years are kind of fun to watch and add a little excitement to my psychic business.

I moved my office into a new location and I haven’t been there much. I have to get myself organized and get over there and set up. I’m still in Christmas mode and I think I’m just plain pooped at the moment.

Have you noticed there is something odd up with the universe? It feels like the energy is speeding up or something. I’m not sure if its only me that is noticing it but I feel that odd things are happening.

Good things, but odd things.

So that’s it. Nothing really exciting to tell you at the moment.

A quote for you:

“Between a man and his wife nothing ought to rule but love. ” William Penn

Until we meet again, Sharon

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They are Just so Darn Cute.

January 11th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Ponderings

Hi Everyone.

How are you this Lovely Day?

Don’t you just love USB Keys. Well I do have a thing for keys in general (especially old antique ones) but for some reason USB keys are so much fun for me.

I usually by accident call them UBS keys and people look at me strange (stranger then normal). They can be made into anything. Staples had ones that were little animals. Like frogs and such. I didn’t get one because I thought I was being extravagant as I already have one but how cool is that?
Timing is everything with these little USB keys. Usually around Christmas and when kids go back to school the funkier ones come out. I’m going to pay attention around Halloween because how cute would a witch one be.

I read on line that they are coming out with a necklace with a USB key in it. Kind of odd and wonderful.

I was looking everywhere for a USB pen. I know they sell them. I guess I haven’t looked too hard. It might be easier to lose in a pen though. Here use my pen and then you forget to get it back and half your world is gone.

I love lots of information for some reason. Organizing it is even better. For people who know me I’m not talking my home here…ok…. I’m talking information ok. (Inside joke)

I know if someone is young and reading this they are probably rolling their eyes as they were brought up in this fast paced world but I am fascinated with all these little gadgets. I think it’s just really cool that this little thing can carry information around for you. Like a secret little computer of information. So very Dick Tracy.

I know I’m odd. I just see the marketing potential in things. Like Kleenex boxes too. I wish that was my job designing them or I could find a place that would let me make my own. I have so many ideas that would be just so darn cute.

Quote for you:

“Home is where you hang your @.”~Author Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Happy Birthday to Elvis Presley, the King!

January 08th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello all my Blog Friends out there. How are you this glorious day?

Can you believe Elvis would have been 74? Well I guess that I’m 50 it’s not too hard to understand. Time sure flies quickly doesn’t it.

I love Elvis. There’s something about him. He was so powerful and magical at the same time. I remember watching a documentary about him and there was so much to him. He was generous and eccentric and charming and sexy.

Well what we could see looking in he was all those things. The documentary I watched did shine some light on who he was and it was really interesting watching it. I remember it was really long and Bobby was long snoring away but I could stop watching it. I know VCR’s do record but I can’t seem to figure them out. When I’m sparkly clean rich I’m going to invent one that is idiot proof. You say to it tape now and it does it and it’s on the right channel at the right time, etc.
Oh sorry back to Elvis.

Bobby loves Elvis. Every time he goes for a job interview he tells them that he can work any day but January 8th. When they say why what’s January 8th? He says its “Elvis Presley’s Birthday” and then he does the little “aah ha ha” thing that Elvis does and I’m positive his lip goes up.

I’m not sure if he did it in his current job as it is government however he is off today so you never know with him. Funny guy.

Bruce loves Elvis too! Who’s Bruce you say? I’ll save that one for another day.

A quote for you:

“I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come from God. I don’t believe I’d sing the way I do if God hadn’t wanted me to.” Elvis Presley

Thank you, Thank you Very Much.

Until we meet again, Sharon (Aah ha ha)

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Pooped and Muffinless.

January 07th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Ponderings

Hi Everyone. How is 2009 treating you so far? I feel like we are on the verge of something. Not sure what but the energy has this feeling of anticipation around it, doesn’t it?

So like everyone I’m rushing home from work to watch the new Oprah show. I rushed (because I wanted to surprise Bobby before he got home) and shovelled the walk, let the dogs out, sat with the grandcats, replenished everyone, made a cup of jo and sat down to watch. I had a nice muffin for Bobby and I but when I went out to shovel the dogs seem to think I bought the muffins for them. Not sure what goes through their brains sometimes.

Today when I finally sat down to watch Oprah (all pooped out and muffinless) it was kind of at the end and I missed a bit. I did however make it just in time for me to learn something. My dear Oprah started talking about Mattie Stepanek who passed away in 2004, way too soon if you ask me.

I have seen him around but I didn’t know the details.

Oprah had on one of her interviews and I’m like ??? where did he come from and like when is God sending more of those little people down here to help everyone. Spiritual earthlings, Angel Kids on Earth.

When he talked it was like he was talking to my soul. I’ve done readings on kids (well teens with Mom’s consent yes)  that are really advanced and they do the same thing. They touch a place within you that you know is the key to something but you’re not quite sure what’s going on. Almost like Patsy Cline. Her voice goes somewhere and your not sure where.

These little Angel People Kids leave you feeling really stupid too in a good way.

You gotta think when you experience their magic “what could possibly be so bad” that would stop us from moving forward and growing and experiencing the wonderful spiritual beings that we are. Why would silly things stop us from finding the gifts that have been given to us for sharing with others?

We live in such a beautiful place and are so lucky to be here at this time if even just to experience these wonderful Angel people that come into our lives when we need them.

God Bless Everyone and may you find your gift that is yours to give (and as one of my teacher Judith says) “and move forward with Grace and Ease”.

A quote from Mattie for you:

“Remember to Play After Every Storm.” Mattie Stepanek

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

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The Planets are Lined Up!

January 05th, 2009 | Category: Exciting News,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How is 2009 going for you so far?

Are you feeling the energy? I always go onto Susan Miller’s website at the beginning of each month and it turns out we are in for some amazing energy leading up to and including the weekend of the 23/24/25th.

I knew something was up. The energy is really strong and persistent.

I ran a chart for that day and it sure is crazy. All these wonderful planets all lined up for their dance.

The reason I wanted to tell you about it is that you can probably expect some wonderful things to happen and also some major stuff.  Jupiter is lending us a hand so it should be delightful. My friend just called and said they shut down her department and she’s out a job! Crazy. I know in my heart of hearts’ though that she is going to walk straight into something wonderful. She always lands on her feet. This time will be no exception I’m sure. Just a “course correction” as John Lock says in Lost (I’m addicted by the way to the series Lost but I will talk about that another time).

So make sure you check out Susan Miller’s website and open up to all the wonderful things the universe has to offer.

A quote for you:

“Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer.” John Pierpont Morgan

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

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Angels here on Earth.

January 01st, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. It’s 12.01am. Happy New Year! Yippy! 2009.

I was sitting here and thinking about Angels. Do you believe that they walk the earth with us? I do.

I remember once I was on the go train going downtown long time ago. I got a message in my head clear as day “you are about to meet an Angel”.

It was a very strong message so I was especially alert. I came through the doors in the downtown underground and then everything went into slow motion. Really odd like. There were tons of people but they all seemed to disappear then I saw her. She didn’t have wings or anything we think angels look like but she was odd looking and had this smile on her face and was looking only at me. Her clothes were brand new and had creases in them like they were just taken out of the package. I remember I was a little short on cash and I had enough for lunch and she smiled and put her hand out. I got a little confused about giving her my only money for lunch yet I knew it was something I was supposed to do. I went and sat with her and gave her the money. She still had this odd smile. We sat together and I can’t remember what she said but I remember at the time it was quite profound and it was all about me. I had to go to work and I finally had to leave her but every time I looked back she was looking at me with this odd smile. After I got away from her everything went back to normal with the sounds and the hubb bubb of downtown life. I went back to make sure I wasn’t going crazy and she was gone.

Kind of strange isn’t it. I’m not sure why I’m sitting here thinking of my Angel I met but it sure makes me feel good that there are Angels among us.

A quote for you:

“All God’s angels come to us disguised”. James Russell Lowell

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

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