Jan 7

Pooped and Muffinless.

Hi Everyone. How is 2009 treating you so far? I feel like we are on the verge of something. Not sure what but the energy has this feeling of anticipation around it, doesn’t it?

So like everyone I’m rushing home from work to watch the new Oprah show. I rushed (because I wanted to surprise Bobby before he got home) and shovelled the walk, let the dogs out, sat with the grandcats, replenished everyone, made a cup of jo and sat down to watch. I had a nice muffin for Bobby and I but when I went out to shovel the dogs seem to think I bought the muffins for them. Not sure what goes through their brains sometimes.

Today when I finally sat down to watch Oprah (all pooped out and muffinless) it was kind of at the end and I missed a bit. I did however make it just in time for me to learn something. My dear Oprah started talking about Mattie Stepanek who passed away in 2004, way too soon if you ask me.

I have seen him around but I didn’t know the details.

Oprah had on one of her interviews and I’m like ??? where did he come from and like when is God sending more of those little people down here to help everyone. Spiritual earthlings, Angel Kids on Earth.

When he talked it was like he was talking to my soul. I’ve done readings on kids (well teens with Mom’s consent yes)  that are really advanced and they do the same thing. They touch a place within you that you know is the key to something but you’re not quite sure what’s going on. Almost like Patsy Cline. Her voice goes somewhere and your not sure where.

These little Angel People Kids leave you feeling really stupid too in a good way.

You gotta think when you experience their magic “what could possibly be so bad” that would stop us from moving forward and growing and experiencing the wonderful spiritual beings that we are. Why would silly things stop us from finding the gifts that have been given to us for sharing with others?

We live in such a beautiful place and are so lucky to be here at this time if even just to experience these wonderful Angel people that come into our lives when we need them.

God Bless Everyone and may you find your gift that is yours to give (and as one of my teacher Judith says) “and move forward with Grace and Ease”.

A quote from Mattie for you:

“Remember to Play After Every Storm.” Mattie Stepanek

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

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