Archive for the 'Gems Along the Way' Category


May 26th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone! How are you this wonderful day?

Today is an important day it is the birthday of my son Michael and my dear friend Paul.

Happy Birthday to you both. Thank you for being you.

I have dedicated my blog on Sugarmoon Cottage to Michael if you care to read it.

It is fun to have children. They are given to us in trust and they will be the first ones to teach us about ourselves sometimes head on.

I think God uses our children to help us see and to get us out of patterns that we have that are self destructive or for us to look inside ourselves.

God is good.

Such a miracle that we can procreate isn’t it? That we have the ability alone is kind of eerie and unimaginable.

I think the hardest part of being a parent is letting them grow and not instilling our own stuff onto them. Well good stuff ok bad stuff not so good.

The children coming in are so smart. They are born of this age. Us older people might not quite get them or understand them but surely we have to acknowledge that they are strong especially in wisdom.

Quote for you:

“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” Author Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Everyone Has Their Story

May 17th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

Just like the song says everyone has a story. Spirit doesn’t let me remember much but I do hear the saddest things and I am always grateful for my life.  Some stay stuck, some use addiction to push down the feelings, some move forward, some take what they have gone through and help others. I think ultimately that is what God has in mind. I guess we won’t know until we reach the other side.

I do feel though that the people that have gone through something and take the pain and suffering and learn from it and move into their future with a helpful heart in healing others seem to be happier than the ones that stay stuck. Everyone has different time lines to heal their sadness. I’m kind of happy that spirit doesn’t let me keep the emotions of people after a reading as I would be a mess carrying all those sad emotions and worrying about everyone if they found their way out of their pain. God is good.

I’m also glad that spirit lets me see the gifts people have and the light that they share with the world even if they can’t see it at the moment. It helps to inspire when doing a reading.

I guess when people are ready to move beyond they will. Working with Dorothy Gagnon I am dealing with stuff from my past and its not an easy task at all. Rewarding and cathartic but scary.  You think you have moved on and have forgiven and things no longer have an effect on you but until you stare the tiger in the face and feel it it really just stays stuck in your subconscious. Who knows maybe lifetimes of crap is there! It  opens a whole new place for you to add good things. After certain sessions I kept having dreams of sitting in a storage unit full of crap and looking around and finding an empty space and sitting in it thinking now what do I do with this space? Odd eh?

You can try and push it down so that it doesn’t pop up in your daily life but add something in your daily life that reminds you of it (which spirit so cleverly does) and back you are to square one again wondering why this pattern always happens to you. I guess trying to control our lives doesn’t always work. “Man Plans, God Laughs”.

Byron Katie is good with this with her website asking you to ask yourself “Who am I without my Story”. I have mentioned her before and she has great information most of which is free.

Oh well lots of time to get through this stuff and grow. Such a blessing this Earth walk is. The best part is we all have free will to move forward. Such a wonderful place.

Kind of self reflective today but I’m hoping that somehow my words encourage you to look at anything painful from your past and make your own empty storage spaces to fill up with all good things.

Quote for you:

“Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Happy Fluevog Day

May 15th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Ok one silly blog before I get all spiritual and serious on you.

Today is International Fluevog day. What’s Fluevog Day you ask? Fluevogs are the most amazing shoes and boots you will ever see!

My first experience with Fluevog was when I litterly stopped a lady on the street drooling over her boots! I’ll never forget what she said “Fluevog”! Since then I have wanted a pair!

Here’s the link to the newsletter from Fluevog.

Someday Alice Someday I’m going to get me a pair of Fluevog Boots! Maybe Luna or Hope Bright Side shoes. Oh Oh or my new favorite Daily Miracles, Fortune! Hello! Walking Money coming at ya!

Ahhhhh someday. My lips to God’s Ears.

Quote for you:

“For women, shoes are the most important. Good shoes take you good places.” Seo Min Hyun

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Sugarmoon Cottage

Hi Everyone! Sugarmoon Cottage has been launched! Yippy!

There are a few quirks in that I can’t seem to get the comments to show but I’m working on it.

Have a peek!

Sugarmoon Cottage

Special thanks to Sue at A Web That Works, Sara at Sara’s Pixels and Bryan Rubio!

You can read about each one of them on the site.

Lots more coming so stay with me on this.

Quote for you:

“All glory comes from daring to begin.”Eugene F. Ware

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Beautiful Cards by Cathcards

May 14th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Welcome. I hope you had an amazing weekend. The weather was very helpful in making this come true!

As you know I do work out of Angela’s Esthetics in Whitby and one of the receptionists there is the lovely Catherine!

Catherine is a beautiful woman with many talents but one of the talents she has is photography. She has a “knack” (this is a bit of a funny pun because one of her business is called “The Knack”) of finding situations to photograph that are just way too amazing!

She gets a kick out of these nature moments finding her and is so passionate about it.

Here’s one of her lovely photographs called “Bird on Stilts” for you to see:

Catherine is in the works of making an Etsy site however in the meantime I thought I’d share her gift with you in case you need a card that is beautiful and different like we all are.

These cards are always available at Angela’s Esthetics or you can email Catherine to order directly  yourself at

They are so adorable.

Thank you Catherine for being you. Success looks good on you.

Quote for you:

“Nature is the art of God.” – Dante

Until we meet again, Sharon


Talk Durham

May 10th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone! If you tuned into the blog and saw lots of weird writing on top SORRY! Little bit of a problem with the hosting.

Last night I had the pleasure of being on Talk Durham Rogers Television with my favorite hypnotherapy person Dorothy Gagnon. I hope you got to see it.

It was such fun!

Check it out I think it will be on a few more times.

Quote for you:

“Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.” Thaddeus Golas

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Happy Birthday Vince

May 05th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Today is my ex husband’s birthday. Although he is my ex Vince is someone that everyone just loves even my own husband. I do appreciate Vince and I am very grateful for him as without him I would not have my wonderful Sons.

Vince loves Marilyn Munroe and for his birthday I ordered from Fiverr the following video. Enjoy.

Happy Birthday Vince. Thank you for Being you.

Quote for you:

“It’s all make believe, isn’t it?” Marilyn Monroe

Until we meet again, Sharon

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This Will Crack you Up!

May 03rd, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,memories,Musings by Sharon

Welcome to The Psychic Cottage Blog. So happy you can visit! I so adore you.

So many exciting things happening so I’m hoping you are staying tuned!

As you probably already have been getting the big hints on this blog my other website Sugarmoon Cottage will be up and running I’m hoping on May 12 or 13th! The reason for that is that it is an amazing astrological day! Good time for that.


Also, as you know I have been getting hypnotherapy from the wonderful Dorothy Gagnon and for some reason it is releasing all these wonderful memories that have been stuck in there for years and some of them are really funny.

This morning I thought of such a funny story and while I was cracking up out loud I thought omg blog material.

Beverly is my friend from when we were in grade two. We were inseparable. I remember I would walk her home and then she would walk me home and I think I carried her on my back half the time because she was such a little tiny thing.

We’ve lost touch but she is always in my heart as I think of her often.

Beverly told me years later how we came to be friends as I surely didn’t remember. She said she was new in school and everyone wouldn’t play with her. I had so many friends and I saw that they were being mean to her so I made her my new official best friend. When there was a bit of a stink I was like fine then I won’t be your friend. They caved and then everyone accepted her and she had instant friends. Kind of funny looking back. I didn’t even remember. I guess it was something she carried with her for forever.

In about grade four we had this teacher that we both adored. I think his name was Mr. Baker.

We wanted to do something nice for him so we asked him if we could take him for lunch.

I grew up at Jane and Finch right across from the Jane and Finch Mall right on Driftwood avenue. We were there when it was built and it was really beautiful when it was built. Now its somewhat scary to go there but at the time it was basically all land when we were there in the 60’s. We moved from there when I was in grade 10 I think to Peterborough.

So this poor teacher (who probably wouldn’t have touched that one with a ten foot pole today in fear of being reprimanded) comes with Beverly and I to the mall (walked that’s how close) so we can buy him lunch. We bought him french fries as that was the only money we had and we couldn’t really afford to get anything for ourselves so we sat there and watched him eat.

I can only imagine what he was thinking. Either he thought how do I get out of this or this is so adorable. I really hope he didn’t go home hungry.

Quote for you:

“The events of childhood do not pass, but repeat themselves like seasons of the year.”Eleanor Farjeon

Until we meet again, Sharon


Call A Loved One

April 26th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Welcome Everyone!

Tonight I talked to my brother Alan and his wife Darlene and we realized we haven’t talked for like 8 months or something.

How crazy is that? How does life get so busy that you don’t have time to give a little chat or two to people you love!

Time does go quickly though and I’m finding the older I get the faster it gets! Not sure why.I’m probably busier now then I have ever been too.

Remember when summers were like ten years! It was only two months in the summer but it was like so long when I was young!

I wonder if its something to do with being old or something to do with energy! Hmmm. I wonder if anyone knows the answer to that.

So I just wanted to mention that its always a good time to call someone you love!

Just a reminder.

Congratulations Alan on your retirement. Love you both.

Quote for you:

“You don’t choose your family.  They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”  ~Desmond Tutu

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Hypnotherapist Extraodinaire

April 25th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Good Day Friends.I hope the world is shining its light on you and you are shining your light on the world.

As you know I always share with you when I find something or someone that’s major cool and I have found by far the most amazing hypnotherapist right here in the heart of the Big O!

I went to Dorothy Gagnon because I wanted to deal with a few issues and she was recommended to me several years ago but something happened and I didn’t end up going.

I have gone a couple of times and I have to tell you I’m kind of skipping around crazy up on life. Now I’m usually up in the air high on life anyway but this is amazing!

The work she did on me last time I have to tell you hasn’t worn off and seems to get better and better every day. Things are flowing to me like magic and doors are opening and through the whole thing I have no anticipation of what is supposed to happen or even looking forward to anything I am just in the moment every second.

I’m noticing too that my readings are easier and the information is flowing better.

I have always read that we are to be the observer of our life each and every moment and through this work that Dorothy has been doing I’m kind of understanding that concept.

Here is a link to her site “DOROTHY” and here is a link to her wonderful book “DOROTHY”S BOOK”.

Dorothy also turned me onto Byron Katie who challenges us to get rid of our thoughts that cause us problems and live in the moment and I just love the work that this wonderful woman does.The truth is big in her work.If you go onto her site she is very generous and everything is free for your use.

It is interesting the information that has been coming to me too like reading about Mooji and finding after looking for it for many years in the house my Course in Miracles book.

It’s all about “being” in the moment and observing.

I had a bit of a hard time accepting this “moment observer” concept because as you know a lot of the law of attraction makes us stay in the moment but look into the future for the things we want to manifest. The coolest part about this observation is that in the moment things are coming to me that I have been trying to manifest and the good part is I’m feeling that either way its all ok.

Actually it was Bryan in his ultimate wisdom of the Violet Door that helped me with my wrestling over what was right and he basically said what I was searching for in that “it just doesn’t matter” take what you need.

The best thing Dorothy and Byron Katie has helped me with is what money means in my life. I was always on my next adventure on how to bring in my next million which was a wheel of fun but like a hamster I never really got anywhere.

When I stopped and starting living right here right now becoming a billionaire kind of lost its importance. I’m not saying I like anyone wouldn’t love to win the big one as I sit but I have taken on more of a feeling of whatever the Universe has in mind for me at any given moment.

When I start to think about what I would do with my manifested millions or think of a bill I have or what’s in front of me  I stop and say “do I have enough for this moment?” the answer is always yes.

The strangest part of this turn around is that all of a sudden things are opening up to me more than when I would project into the future or demand of the Universe. When I stay put and question any strange thoughts that come into my mind and ask the truth of any thoughts I’m in the flow that I have been trying to get with my manifesting.

Who knew that all we had to do is “stop” and observe.

It might not be for everyone and of course like anything we have to trust our heart with any information we have but I have to tell you living this way in a state of just “believing” is a much easier ride.

Quote for you:

“Your story and reality just don’t match.  Reality is always kinder than your story about it – but only always.” Byron Katie

“Throw everything away, forget about it all!

You are learning too much,

remembering too much, trying too hard…

relax a little bit, give life a chance to flow its own way,

unassisted by your mind and effort.

Stop directing the river’s flow!” Mooji

Until we meet again, Sharon


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