Apr 26
Call A Loved One
Welcome Everyone!
Tonight I talked to my brother Alan and his wife Darlene and we realized we haven’t talked for like 8 months or something.
How crazy is that? How does life get so busy that you don’t have time to give a little chat or two to people you love!
Time does go quickly though and I’m finding the older I get the faster it gets! Not sure why.I’m probably busier now then I have ever been too.
Remember when summers were like ten years! It was only two months in the summer but it was like so long when I was young!
I wonder if its something to do with being old or something to do with energy! Hmmm. I wonder if anyone knows the answer to that.
So I just wanted to mention that its always a good time to call someone you love!
Just a reminder.
Congratulations Alan on your retirement. Love you both.
Quote for you:
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” ~Desmond Tutu
Until we meet again, Sharon
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