Sep 22

Weird Emails

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi If anyone get a weird email from me don’t open it. Seems to be someone sent an odd email from my sugarmoon email.

I’ve been in touch with hotmail so hopefully they will fix and I will change my email to a more suitable one for the business.

Some peoples’ children.

Quote for you:

“If everything happens for a reason then me being p*ssed off is a part of that reason right?” Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Sep 9

Bonk on the Head from the Universe

Good Day everyone. How are you doing?

I’m getting excited as I do love Fall and I’m feeling the excitement of the Centre opening as well as getting ready for the beautiful colours and weather.

The Centre is all ready for everyone so I’m hoping you sign up for some courses. There is a calendar on the sister site Dorothy’s is full already and some are getting full so make sure if you are wanting to come to something you sign up.

If you are wondering why I have two sites and two blogs its because I have a gemini moon and I’m the last day of Taurus…..just kidding….although… its because I have the ability to change sugarmoon and its not so easy to change this site without a lot of help and moola as it is in FLASH. I’d need to go back to school for a while to figure it out and then they will be onto something completely new.

You may be wondering about the title of this blog and what it has to do with the above and of course nothing as I do ramble but what it does have to do with is a healing I had yesterday.

I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the daunting task of the Centre as much as I love it I was feeling a bit stuck and scared and inadequate.

When I called my healer (who when we talked I’ve known her for over 20 years or maybe more because I don’t think I had my older son yet who is 30?) for a much needed healing she said the following words and I will remember them until the day I leave this great Earth “Who are You not to be The Best You Can Be” (Carol C) let me repeat that:


She was so right. How arrogant could I be to say “OK” this has dropped in my lap and I’m doing my work and I’m not sure I am good enough to handle it. YIKES!

She got me thinking where in my life I do that. When do I doubt myself and say maybe I’m not the “girl” for the job. When do I get in the way of something and sabotage the h*ll out of it so the Universe has to go about it a whole other way to get it to me.

I’m hoping by sharing this little epiphany I had with you you can look at the things that you stop from coming in your life and say to yourself “who am I to do this to myself”.

During the healing I thought of a piece of jewellery I bought a long time ago of a mustard seed. While she was talking and I could do this because I have a Brittany Spears phone which is a headset I found the mustard seed and put it with my St. Michael on my neck to remind me of her words and remind me to have faith.

Verse for you:

“…. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

I’m back and I’m shining my light and moving my mountains! Nothing is going to stop me not even myself.

Here’s another Carol (C) saying which is the cutest thing ever “Sharon you just have to ride the wave sometimes until it gets to shore.” Gotta love her.

Until we meet again, Sharon


Aug 25

Dorothy Clark McClure

Dearest Friends.

On August 19th I lost a dear Friend that I called my Earth Mom. Her name is Dorothy Clark McClure.

I called her that because I did have my own Mom whom I love and I was lucky enough to meet another in my lifetime too.

I met Dorothy at one of her many art classes and she was talking about her many trips to Indiana to Camp Chesterfield a wonderful Spiritualist Retreat and after the class I said to her “well when can we go together”. I think I shocked both of us by saying that but a few months later I was picking her up in my brand new green convertible suzicki sidekick heading down to Indiana. She said to me “I wasn’t sure if you were going to be a nut or what? but she  took a chance on me and I was the lucky one.

That was many years ago and since then we formed quite the bond. Dorothy was an amazing woman. Famous Artist, friend, mother to her wonderful children, wife, grandmother, mentor, teacher, you name it. The one thing I loved most about Dorothy was she was soooo deep! We could talk about anything. She probably had one of the most spiritual minds I have ever had the pleasure of listening to in this lifetime.  She was comfortable with any subject. The art she did was beyond this world.

When I moved out here to Oshawa I kind of didn’t get to see her as much as I should have and I realized that it was truly my loss. I should have made time. Now except for talking in spirit I really can’t ever be privy to this amazing woman. Now I will have to wait until I pass to talk to her.

I am truly going to miss this dear friend of mine who I love so very much.

I was strong at the funeral until the wonderful lady with the harp sang the song that we played at my Mother’s funeral “We will remember you.” That sent me over the edge at the loss and regret of not seeing her more.

The Minister said at her funeral “God Thank you for Giving us Dorothy” and I can’t think of any better words to describe how I’m feeling. Great thanks to the big guy above for giving me the chance to be in her life.

I guess I am wearing my heart on my sleeve here so that if there are any of you reading this that have someone in their life that they love and they don’t make time for them please cancel whatever silly thing you are doing that feels important and give them a call. You will thank me for it.

God Bless you my dear Friend I will never forgot you ever.Thank you for teaching me all you taught me and for being the wonderful blessed you.

Quote for you:

“Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I’ll miss you
Until we meet again!”
~Author Unknown

Love Sharon

PS See Follow up blog “Lipstick from Heaven”


Aug 21

Psychic Cottage Centre Facebook Page

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello There!

I tried my best to set up the Psychic Cottage Centre Facebook Page.

Just wanted to let you know if you want to join it.

It is very screwy really. My brain just doesn’t want to understand that? Hmmm.

Quote for you:

“Simplify Simplify” Henry David Thoreau

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Aug 15

Fibonacci Tattoo

Category: Musings by Sharon

Just a quick hello to show you my new tattoo.

Check out the Sugarmoon Blog here FIBONACCI

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Aug 7

Three Magic Words

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone!

Last night I watched the movie Three Magic Words. It was refreshing.

It was, I  believe,  inspired by US Anderson’s book by the same name.

I was glued to it listening to everyone talk and it reminded me of when I read something long time ago that said when you are feeling out of sorts to say “God and I are One”.

There was nothing profoundly new in it really that I could feel but it had a warm fuzzy feeling to it which is worth the watch for sure.

The one thing that I felt though was a reminder that with the feeling of separateness that is everywhere today as life gets really fast with electronics etc. to come back to the idea that we are all one. When judging someone we are really judging ourselves.

Even though we all know this to be true it is hard when someone is pushing our buttons to believe that this is the Big Guy (or Girl) or Energy that is getting us to where we have to go.

Who knows maybe our reaction is part of the healing too. A reminder that we are all in the right place at the right time.

There was also a wonderful line in there about something I learned long time ago in that “If its going to happen no one can stop it. If its not going to happen no one can make it happen.”  A reminder that worrying is just a wasted energy.

There was a great quote which I have set out below that got my interest. It will help me to remember that everything is really an illusion and not to take things so seriously when triggered. Thank spirit for the Grace of everything and again move forward one step at a time.

A reminder to stay in my Goose energy.

Another reminder in the movie is that we all have something special in us that only we can do. We are all equally important. Sometimes just being you is enough.

After watching the movie and thinking about it as I fell asleep I heard spirit say out loud to me “What is your Bridge Sharon”. Now it is my job to figure out what the h*ll spirit meant by that one!

I will meditate on it as I am off to a spiritual event this weekend where I’m sure there will be lots of meditation involved. I’m a little creeped out as it is in a 1700 old monestary in Quebec! Medium has a whole new meaning when placed into these places.

Quote for you:

“Every person you meet, whether you know him or not, is God visiting you in physical form.” Dr. Joshua David Stone

I love you dear Friends. Thank you for being you.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Jul 12

Share Your Happiness

Category: Musings by Sharon

Just read this quote on Abraham’s newsletter:

“To hold someone as your object of attention while you’re connected to Source Energy, is the greatest gift that anyone could give. When you’re not happy, you don’t have anything to give. And so, what it literally means is be happy, because you cannot give anyone something that you do not feel.”

I’m full of happiness and love and sending lots your way!


Jul 6

Changing You Sometimes Changes the World

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone! Happy Friday.

I couldn’t sleep last night as I hurt my back a bit yesterday reaching for the back door and Bandit our dog came rushing at me to get ahead of me. He’s a bit like a bull in a china shop.  Nothing that will make me stop but more slow me down a bit.

Finally after hours of restless thinking I remembered that if I turn my head where my feet go and get different energy going through me that I usually fall fast asleep.

While I was lying there though I was thinking about the day and I thought about how sometimes it isn’t about what everyone else is doing but about the changes we can make within ourselves.

Once we make these changes, sometimes very small things, everything else falls into place.

As Byron Katie says if we are out there living someone else’s life then who is minding ours.

Of course it is good to care for others especially children who sometimes don’t have their own voice but what if that one step you want to make forward within yourself is that one shift in the Universe that will be the turning point for forever more.

At least we need to pay attention that our mind is focused on appreciating everyone and who they are no matter what our opinion of what they are doing.

I guess it boils down to ask yourself if we are really in charge or is there a much greater plan.

I know this to be true and maybe I’m a little too relaxed about life and its going ons but I sense that is where I need to be.

I’m involved through my readings in many lives and I see that Spirit can lead the way but I can’t get excited with the outcome.

I can only pray that with knowledge comes responsibility and that when people are ready to hear they will if only one step at a time.

I’m not exempt from this. Sometimes I need the mack truck like everyone else.

Maybe for today we can all concentrate on ourselves a bit and pay attention to our actions. What needs to be dropped. What needs to be paid attention to just a little more. How can we make this world a much better place. How can we get out of our way and do God’s work.

Two Quotes for you today:

“The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.”  ~Muhammad Ali

“Find what makes your heart sing and create your own music.” ~Mac Anderson

Until we meet again, Sharon


Jul 2

July Newsletter

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hey Everyone!

What’s Cookin’?

I hope everyone had an amazing long weeked! It was great fun!

Bobby and I went to see Ted? It was odd.

Extremely hot though. Makes me cranky.

Not sure if you got your copy of the July, 2012 newsletter but you can get a copy of my other website under currently newsletter!

Easy Beezy!

OK talk soon!

Quote for you:

“You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.”  ~Vernon Howard

Until we meet again, Sharon


Jun 24

Happy Birthday Lavender Lady


Just wanted to take a moment to say happy birthday to my wonderful sister Lavender Lady.

Your wonderful spirit is always there to guide me. Love you tons.

Quote for you:

“Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.” Carol Saline

Until we meet again, Sharon


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