Jan 25

It’s Pointless!

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone!

Sometimes when spirit allows me to assist them in doing readings for others I learn something that is quite profound.

I just enjoy that so much.

The other day I had a wonderful client (I don’t remember her name or what she looked like as I don’t remember much from a reading but Thank you!).

I remember spirit saying “goodness you really don’t like clutter do you”. She said “no its pointless”.

I really gulped on that one and realized that her simple profound wisdom was meant to be heard by me.

It wasn’t only clutter that reached me on this one but it was anything that no longer serves us! It’s truly pointless!

Gotta love when that happens!

Quote for you:

“Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people’s souls.” Melodie-Beattie

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Jan 20

Sunday Morning Wisdom

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone!

I feel sad that this blog is being ignored so I thought I would muster up a bit of a spiritual blog instead of my sugarmoon crazy blogs!

I friend Libby said that I write like I talk. Kind of scary, lol. I do love a good laugh.

When I do readings I find that I always seem to share the latest and greatest thing that I’ve been working on with others so that they can do the same thing.

My sister says when I tell her about the latest thing in my life that I’ve found “Sharon I can’t keep up! I’m still working on the one you gave me a month ago!”

It could be my latest affirmation or my latest book I read or something like that.

I have read a few good books lately.

The Tools is a good one. It gives you a formula to get out of those days when you are feeling stuck. I leave a copy at the Centre for people who are waiting for their reading so they can pick up and have a glance.

I’m big on being in the moment too which is something I usually share with my clients. I believe that’s where all the magic is! When I find myself flipping into the future or the past borrowing trouble from those places I usually take a deep breath and sit in my seat listen to the sounds around me and just breathe. It usually brings me to where I need to be.

Monkey mind is just the most aggravating thing isn’t? Especially when you are trying to sleep.Try the moment thing above when you can’t get to sleep.

Fear too! The “What if’s?” I’m sure you have heard me say what my younger boy said to me once when I got into a fit of “what if’s” he said MOM to live a life of “what if’s” is like half a life. Don’t do it? I think of his wisdom when I do that.

“Fear knocked on the Door. Faith answered and no one was there.” (I’m not sure if this was Martin Luther King or someone else. sorry)

Remember Faith solves all fear problems so when you get in those moments just get into a space of gratefulness and see if you can’t switch over into faith.

Another thing that happened to me lately is that I was having a  fit of feeling like I was in poverty mode which sometimes  happens around this time of year and I was getting kind of freaked out which isn’t normal for me. I said to Mother Mary  “Dear Mother can you send me down my angels to help me with this situation. Thank you.” Well lo and behold the next few days I was like “on fire” everything popped into perfect timing and I haven’t looked back. I know things happen so that we can stop and look at life and say “help”!

Another thing that I share with my clients is that sometimes they think if they change completely and go somewhere else that things will change. New partner, new home, new city, new something or other.

I call this the Peterborough Syndrome. The reason is that when I was younger when things weren’t going the way I wanted them to I would always think of moving back to Peterborough where my parents lived. Now that they have gone I never think of this but it was a feeling of being safe.

What we have to remember though is that we are always exactly where we are meant to be and our energy has brought us to this very moment. In order to run away we have to take ourselves with us which means we are in the same spot.

Deal with what’s in front of you and know that there is a reason and change yourself instead of your environment to see what the real story is.

Of course if you are in any danger get help and run like the wind! Get safe.

Another goodie is patterns. We all have them but we create them in each and every way possible. Different faces same lessons.  Sometimes it takes someone looking in to sing Britney here and say “Oops you are doing it again”.  Recognizing it is a good thing so we can all move on to our next adventure.

So there is my wisdom for a windy Sunday morning.

Quote for you:

“The only problem with leaving and going someplace else is that you take yourself with you. You take your vibrational habits and patterns with you.” Abraham

Until we meet again, Sharon

*If you would like to book an appointment to see Sharon for a reading call Rebecca, Psychic cottage Assistant extrodinaire, at 289-939-7337 or email her at psychiccottageassistant@gmail.com

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Jan 1

Happy New Year

Category: Musings by Sharon

Dear Friends.

Happy New Year to you All! Maybe you 2013 be filled with joy and bring you all you wish for!

I cannot believe that here we are sitting in 2013. How so very exciting isn’t it?

It’s different than other years I feel for some reason for me anyway. I have a feeling of calmness and excitement about the coming year.

Maybe its getting 2012  behind us as even though I knew there would be no doom and gloom I also like everyone else I’m sure was awaiting something to happen good or bad. Maybe it did happen and maybe this is why I’m feeling calm. Maybe the energy switched if even just a little to usher in a wonderful time in the world.

Not sure really.I know we all have a long way to go but we are all exactly where we are meant to be at this moment.

I love you all and I look forward to our year together.

Quote for you:

“A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I’ve played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year.”
~Edgar Guest

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Dec 21

December 21, 2012

Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning!

Well well well its finally here! December 21, 2012! The day we have all been waiting for! Kind of exciting.

The energy is soft but I’m not sure if its my imagination.

I’ve had a funny morning if you want to read about it in my blog “Some Days you Just have to Laugh”.

I’m wondering if this is just a reminder that we all have a purpose. Something that only you can fill? Like a switch that will turn on?

I’m truly not sure!

A friend said that we are supposed to be outside and quiet at 11am. Not I’m not sure if its EST so I’m just staying focused all day and see if I get some wise words from spirit.

I’m going to lay low and catch up on work.

What are you up to?

Quote for you: (Conflicted views of waiting….?)

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” Abraham Lincoln

“He that can have Patience, can have what he will.” Benjamin Franklin

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Dec 20

Two Front Teeth

Category: Musings by Sharon

See my new front teeth on the Betwixt and Between blog here.

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Dec 13

Reflective Wrap Up of 2012

Category: Musings by Sharon

Dear Friends.

Oh my writing has so been on hold and I always know when I’m feeling calm because the writing starts again.

Here we are on the brink of a new year and I ask myself if spirit would be proud of me with my year that I have added to my many here on Earth!

Kind of like “naughty and nice” list I guess. A grateful list too.

First and foremost thank you my Husband, my Sons, my Sister and Brother in Law (who both came to our rescue in a most profound way this year),  and my older Brother and his wonderful wife and my younger brother and my husband’s family including my husband’s brother  who brings joy into my husband’s life and all my family (here and in Spirit)  and friends (I’m counting all my clients and associates in this friends list)  being there for me throughout the year. Your love and support is beyond measure.

The Psychic Cottage Centre opening this year was truly a gift for sure. Thanks Joanne and Bryan of Violet Door for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Surrendering my “I can do it myself” and hiring Rebecca was truly a step forward. Thanks Rebecca!

Saying that I cannot do email readings except for the “one question” ones was a good thing. I was always worried about my delay in getting them done and I’m going through old emails to make sure I’m up to date.

Working with the lovely Dorothy Gagnon this year was truly a blessings. She rocks.

Getting my relationship with money on track by writing down everything I spend and everything I earn has been a lesson that has given me new respect for money and in turn money has been generous back at me. OK brother Alan I get it now! Took me 54 years but I finally get it.

Deciding to get my veneers on my teeth is a big thing for me. I have been hiding them for years! Still working on them but I know now that I can smile as big as I want to!

A major thing for me too as getting a web site that I can play with and let my creative juices flow even if I’m sure there are a few raised eyebrows and a wondering what the h*ll I’m going to do next.! I love Sugarmoon Cottage even if no one looks at it I have so much fun with it.

That means giving a special thanks for the amazing Bryan Rubio who without his talented drawings it would not have happened and the wonderful Sue and her staff from A Web that Works having patience  with my whining along the way and of course Sara’s Pixels.

I totally still love this Psychic Cottage site and will always keep it going.

Jester’s Court continues to be a blessing. I love going there on Tuesdays. Thanks Deena and the Gang and my wonderful Psychic Sister Carolyn of Sands of Time Tarot.

Angelas Esthetics – Thanks Angela, Catherine and the Gang for being so amazing.

Coffee Culture at 22 King street West in Oshawa  has been added this year and has been great fun. Thank you Effie and the staff.

Thank you Sandi from Rogers TV for giving me exposure on television!

My Healer Carol who was been with me for lifetimes. Thank you for always being there.

Thank you God and Spirit for always being by my side and sharing your gifts with me because I guess I’d be an empty vessel without you!

Now comes the hard part! What could I do better on.

Losing weight and getting healthy is high on my “to do” list. Hopefully I’ll get my act together in this department in the new year.

Getting rid of clutter is another that is on my 2013 to do list.

Seeing family and friends more is probably up there too.

Writing more is definitely up there too!

So that’s my reflection on the year. As I go throughout my days before the end of the year I’m sure I will be adding to the list. In my mind of butterflies I might have forgotten someone.

Quote for you:

“Today I feel the need to look back and observe the path that has led me to where I am.” – Ricky Martin

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Oct 24

Chakra Workshop

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone there is still space in the Chakra Workshop for tonight.

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Oct 6

Happy Thanksgiving

Category: Musings by Sharon


I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful and abundant Thanksgiving.

Quote for you:

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” ~Thornton Wilder

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Oct 1


Hi everyone.

If you get a chance in the next day or so go onto Susan Miller’s site www.astrologyzone.com and read the wonderful letter to her Mother who passed away.

It’s really touching and beautiful.

May Little Mom rest in peace. My heartfelt condolences to Susan and her family.


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Sep 30


Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning this lovely Sunday morning. I hope this blog finds you well and happy.

If you know me you know I smile a lot and I mean a lot.

You will also know that my teeth are not the prettiest ones around. Having radiation at 13 in that area kind of made them a funny colour and they are so soft that a few chips are normal and they are full of fillings for that reason.

Still love the chompers as they got me this far BUT good news I don’t have to close my teeth when I smile in pictures anymore as  I’m getting six veneers in the front and eventually a peg tooth in a space on the right side. (Weird though if people are missing a tooth it always seems to be in that one space? Odd discovery that one.) ! Yippy! I’m so excited. My husbands’ plan is very generous and I will be getting them in the next few weeks. I’m a little nervous as they are long appointments and I’m not very good at the whole mold things as they freak me out! I find them claustrophobic.

So next time you see me you might have to put on your sun glasses because of my new white chiclet teeth. It’s going to be great for my self esteem!

Quote for you:

“She laughs at everything you say. Why? Because she has fine teeth.” Benjamin Franklin

Until we meet again, Sharon

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