Sep 9
Bonk on the Head from the Universe
Good Day everyone. How are you doing?
I’m getting excited as I do love Fall and I’m feeling the excitement of the Centre opening as well as getting ready for the beautiful colours and weather.
The Centre is all ready for everyone so I’m hoping you sign up for some courses. There is a calendar on the sister site Dorothy’s is full already and some are getting full so make sure if you are wanting to come to something you sign up.
If you are wondering why I have two sites and two blogs its because I have a gemini moon and I’m the last day of Taurus…..just kidding….although… its because I have the ability to change sugarmoon and its not so easy to change this site without a lot of help and moola as it is in FLASH. I’d need to go back to school for a while to figure it out and then they will be onto something completely new.
You may be wondering about the title of this blog and what it has to do with the above and of course nothing as I do ramble but what it does have to do with is a healing I had yesterday.
I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the daunting task of the Centre as much as I love it I was feeling a bit stuck and scared and inadequate.
When I called my healer (who when we talked I’ve known her for over 20 years or maybe more because I don’t think I had my older son yet who is 30?) for a much needed healing she said the following words and I will remember them until the day I leave this great Earth “Who are You not to be The Best You Can Be” (Carol C) let me repeat that:
She was so right. How arrogant could I be to say “OK” this has dropped in my lap and I’m doing my work and I’m not sure I am good enough to handle it. YIKES!
She got me thinking where in my life I do that. When do I doubt myself and say maybe I’m not the “girl” for the job. When do I get in the way of something and sabotage the h*ll out of it so the Universe has to go about it a whole other way to get it to me.
I’m hoping by sharing this little epiphany I had with you you can look at the things that you stop from coming in your life and say to yourself “who am I to do this to myself”.
During the healing I thought of a piece of jewellery I bought a long time ago of a mustard seed. While she was talking and I could do this because I have a Brittany Spears phone which is a headset I found the mustard seed and put it with my St. Michael on my neck to remind me of her words and remind me to have faith.
Verse for you:
“…. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
I’m back and I’m shining my light and moving my mountains! Nothing is going to stop me not even myself.
Here’s another Carol (C) saying which is the cutest thing ever “Sharon you just have to ride the wave sometimes until it gets to shore.” Gotta love her.
Until we meet again, Sharon
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Hi, thank you for such an inspirational post. Just what i needed!
Hi Stacie! Thank you for writing! Funny isn’t it how just sometimes you hear what you need to hear! Blessings to you! Sharon
Thinking of you today at the Seafoam Lavender Farm that we visited in 2010.
That was great fun! Love you Lavender Lady!