Jan 9

Power of Nine

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Blog Friends. How are you this night?

I’m just getting over an awful outbreak of the dreaded cold sore. They have gathered under my nose and I look like the evil little man from history whose named started with H.

It’s terrible to be psychic also as you can read peoples thoughts when they are thinking Egads what happened to you. Maybe its just because I’d be thinking the same thing so I know what they are thinking.

On a lighter note I’ve been thinking about how hard it is to do things sometimes. You know getting started on cleaning that room or just finishing something you don’t want to do.

I read somewhere that you should move nine things in your house if you want to move forward or if you want to do something do nine things towards it.

It’s strange I have been doing just that and I’m noticing little changes.

If I walk into a messy room I clean nine things. This usually lines me up for completing the task.

I know all you Martha’s out there are thinking why do you have a messy room. Well because I do ok. Ha Ha.

So if you are stuck in something remember the number nine to get you out of it. Give it a go.

Quote for you:

“They’re sure housework won’t kill you, but why take the risk?” Author Unknown.

Until we Meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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