Archive for December, 2010

Sweet Phoebe Sunshine – Guest Blog


Good Morning Everyone. I have a wonderful guest blog for you. Darlene you know as my wonderful sister-in-law and I have written about her many times.

Her daughter Kris (my Niece) has a wonderful little daughter named Phoebe Sunshine. You all know Phoebe’s adventure at Starbucks  from my newsletter which is archived here.

Here is what Darlene (Nama) wrote for you about an outing with Phoebe to the Old Mill for Afternoon Tea:

“Imagine a grandmother’s delight going out for afternoon tea with her granddaughter, especially if that granddaughter is only 3 ½. For my birthday my daughter thought I would enjoy a day out with Phoebe and since she loves to dress up and play princess it was a great chance to go to a grown up tea party.While I have been out to restaurants with Phoebe and her brother Miles and they are always well-behaved, I never expected that she was such a perfect little lady. Beautifully dressed in a purple velour dress with matching tights, pink necklace and, of course her crown, she gently tucked her napkin on her lap, sipped her raspberry tea, with several packs of brown sugar added, and very lady-like made her way through 2 scones with jam, a lemon tart, a piece of carrot cake topped with icing, ½ salmon sandwich and an almond cookie. Nama didn’t think she’d like the mushroom quiche tart and tried to eat it but Phoebe quickly commented on where her other tart went and ate that too. After we were finished with all the treats on the tray and her teapot was empty she wiped her mouth and said it was ok to go home now. But before we left she noticed another little girl having tea with her mother. Phoebe carefully looked her over and said, “My dress is much prettier than her’s”. Oh Pea….one day you’re going to get yourself in trouble but right now you are just so darn cute. Nama had the best day ever. Thank you my sweet Pea and thank you Kristine for giving us this special grandmother/granddaughter time together.”


How so adorable is that eh? Darlene, Kris & Phoebe thank you all for being you.

Quote for you:

“Grandmas give you the cherry off the top.” Helen Exley

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Where was this Thing when I was Communiting?

December 12th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Now that's Peculiar.

Hello Everyone. Can you believe the rain? Glad it isn’t snow that’s for sure.

I was zooming around on the net and was reading this funny article about wacky gifts from Japan and found this picture and article.

I totally cracked up because I remember once I was on the go train and I was so exhausted and I fell asleep and I smashed my head on the window (whap) and everyone looked up and totally laughed at me. I was so embarrassed. Although I think if I had this hat on I would have been more embarrassed. You can even put on the front which stop is yours so they wake you up.

This article shows some fun inventions. You never know when you will need a toilet paper holder on your head for hay fever.

Quote for you:

“Be Prepared.” Guides Motto

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Hang Onto Your Hat its Mercury in Retrograde Once Again.

December 10th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

How are you doing? Welcome to The Psychic Cottage Blog.

So have you been noticing that Mercury is in Retrograde once again. Holy Moly is it always in retrograde?

Remember to watch out for the other guy when driving. Do your prayers before driving too. I always call in our wonderful Archangel Michael to drive with me.

Don’t be signing any contracts and surely don’t be silly like I did once and buy your computer or any electrical devices at this time. Well unless you want to return them when they don’t work in a few months. That’s not true its not a for sure thing its more of a “take a chance” thing.

So that’s it. Sending out lots of protection and prayers for you and all your peeps out there in blog land and I’ll write soon.

Oh oh oh don’t forget that the totem class is on the 16th not the 18th as set out in my newsletter.

Quote for you:

“I’m not confused, I’m just well mixed.” Robert Frost

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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I’m Rocking my Nerdy Boots

December 08th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

How’s it going? So I took back the Guitar Hero boots. I just couldn’t wear them after just knowing they were connected to some game.

I did get some comfy nerdy ones though. Check them out.

Oh my they are toasty warm and soft inside. Check out all that fur! Oo la la. I had to treat them three times and once a week. Like I’ll remember that one.

Ok they aren’t my pink uggs but that’s ok. They are called BearPaw. The funny part is that Bobby is like that’s not a bear paw a bear paw has five nails? He has a huge tattoo on his back of a bear paw so he should know.

If they are wrong that is a major oopsy daisy I’m thinking. Oh well. I don’t care I have my comfy nerdy boots incorrect  bear paw or not.

Speaking of Oopsy Daisy I made a mistake in the newsletter, Doh? The Totem Animal course is on the 16th not the 18th. I’m contemplating sending out another newsletter to correct. I don’t want people showing up on the Saturday at the Violet Door only to have it closed. I’ll keep you posted.

Quote for you:

“Never say, “oops.”  Always say, “Ah, interesting.”  ~Author Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


The Psychic Cottage Newsletter Alert!

December 07th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

Just to let you know there is a new newsletter out.

If you didn’t get it make sure you sign up to receive it.

Here’s the link to the Archive.

Quote for you:

“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Virtual Butler

December 05th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good day everyone. Today is a nice day for some reason. The energy is delightful.

I always like looking at the Insanely priced Christmas gifts. They make me chuckle.

I found this one and I thought oh my how cute is this. It’s a Virtual Butler. It so reminds me of the magic mirror. It would be creepy too in a way. Can you imagine going to get some milk in the middle of the night and the mirror says “someone is approaching”. Yikes!

With no security cameras, jacuzzi’s, or garage doors to open it won’t be much use to me (even if it was on my manifestation list) but it is adorable.

Now what am I going to do with that $20,000 I just saved by not getting one?

Quote for you:

“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” Abraham Lincoln

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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They are Obviously for some one Else

December 04th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Now that's Peculiar.

Hi Everyone.

What’s cookin?

Today Bobby bought me one of my Christmas presents as I needed boots and I wanted some funky ones. I saw at the Soft Moc Wear house a pair of the coolest Doc Marten’s that were all black with pink laces and a funny pink design up the back.

I totally love them. They had them in white too with the pink but I thought I would be too hard on them.

The funny part is when we got to the cash the young pretty little girl said “well these are obviously for someone else” but if you want to get them some cream for the boot they will wear better.

Ha ha ha. I said they’re for me. Do you think they are too young for me? She’s like no totally cool.

How hilarious is that? I do like funky things and the funkier the better but she got me to thinking that maybe at 52 I should be acting more like 52? Then I thought na that’s what makes me me right?

Here’s a picture of my new boots. What do you think? Too young? Now I have to wear them in. Ouch. Wearing in Doc Marten’s is like painful but so worth it.

Hmmm. I just noticed when I’m taking a picture for you that it is a guitar on the back I thought it was a pretty schrollytype design? Then I looked and it is guitar hero docs? On line it appears to be some kind of video game? Yikes. I think video games are a total thief of time (notwithstanding my concern that our subconscious mind doesn’t have a sense of humour when we are doing these strange things) should I be promoting them?  I think I have to go back and switch them for a pair of Dr. Scholl rubber soled boots, ha ha, or trade them for a pair of berkenstocks for the summer. There’s a lesson here for buying things before you think about it or maybe instead of being offended by the young girls’ comments I should have listened to her.

I wonder if I can cut off the guitar and make it into a daisy?

Oh the trouble I get into. How am I going to explain this one to Bobby? Thanks for the present but I don’t like it anymore, lol.

Quote for you:

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” Henri Bergson

Until we meet again, Sharon (bootless just in time)

The Psychic Cottage


Getting into the Vortex – Esther & Jerry Hicks (Abraham)

December 01st, 2010 | Category: Exciting News,Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. Welcome to The Psychic Cottage blog.

You know how much I loved the book The Vortex with Abraham (blog here) well they’ve done it again.

Oo la la. There is a new book out called “Getting into the Vortex” by Esther & Jerry Hicks and its very very powerful.

It has a meditation which guides you into the Vortex for your daily living. I have felt so different since listening to it.

You make different choices.

Few examples that happened to me:

1. Sometimes I sit with Bobby and read or something while he does his silly xbox games but I can’t. It’s almost like I don’t want that in my energy.

2. I really notice when things trigger me and I work them through easier in an almost detached way.

3. I seem to be in the flow with money for some reason. It seems to be following me here and there. I won $25 twice and $50 once. I’m hoping the 649 is in the vortex with me!

4. I’m smiling more and this afternoon I felt like dancing for no reason. So I did of course.

5. Weird things each day are opening up to me.

 The more you do the meditation the more you drift into a wonderful place. The breathing takes a bit to get used to but once you master the count 3 in 5 out its quite simple and very relaxing.

It is all very cool. If you can get it as it is hard to come by make sure you get a copy. The Violet Door is getting a shipment in soon (or may have them now)  so make sure you order yours today.

Quote for you:

 “But there is no luck or favoritism. There is only allowing or resisting, allowing or denying, letting in or keeping out the abundance that you deserve.” Esther Hicks (Abraham) Getting into the Vortex

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


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