Archive for October, 2010

Jenny Shares Her Light

October 07th, 2010 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hey Everyone.

It’s a very cool day. I don’t know what is up but the energy is just hopping. I love it. I feel like I want to take on a project but I don’t know what that project is.

Jenny from The City Cottage store did the best blog. It was written from deep within her heart and truly I believe that tons of healing took place (for her and others) from not only what she wrote but what others wrote.

I can’t tab on specifically to that blog but it is October 4th, 2010. Here’s the link to Jenny’s Blog.

Is Rilo not adorable?

I was suprised that it took 17 comments for someone claiming to be one of the chosen few to come on and comment but they came. I totally love what Jenny wrote.

You go Girl! Love you tons. Thank you for being you!

Quote for you:

“Fairness puts the twinkle in the stars.” Unknown

“Heroes are not known by the loftiness of their carriage; the greatest braggarts are generally the merest cowards.” Jean Jacques Rousseau

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


Divine Travels of the Ha Ha Sisterhood – Day Three – Part Three

October 07th, 2010 | Category: Cape Breton Holiday 2010,Musings by Sharon

Top of the Morning to you dear Friends. Our Creator has provided us with another splendid day for us to enjoy.

So in this one we are heading back from Pleasant Bay and just coming into Cheticamp when I saw the most beautiful house I have ever seen in my life. If I could envision The Psychic Cottage this is exactly how I would want it to be. Are you ready?

I even love the jeep. It’s adorable.

I really wanted to go up and meet the person who owned it. Next time I go I will get up the nerve to do that. You know they have to be happy people.

So that’s it the end of day three.

Quote for you:

“Insist upon yourself. Be original.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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I love Myself just the Way I am.

October 06th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good evening everyone.

I burst into song today and it was a song I used to sing many moons ago. It is a song of affirmations. I think it might have been from Louise Hay.

Do you remember this song? It’s my new happy song. It surely can’t hurt.

Quote for you:

 “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Divine Travels of the Ha Ha Sisterhood – Day Three – Part Two

October 06th, 2010 | Category: Cape Breton Holiday 2010,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone.

After we went whale watching we drove up to Pleasant Bay to visit the Monastery Gampo Abbey. It was very calming and beautiful. I wished that my friend Kaleigh was there with us as she has always wanted to go there.  She is very blessed and once she went to where the Dalai lama had a speaking engagement in Toronto and she was waiting outside to see him in the crowds and he actually went up to her and took her hand out of all the people. That is very cool.  

The grounds were really peaceful as you would assume such a spiritual place would be.

We asked the woman that was in the garden working what there was to see there and she sent us to the Stupa along this path which seemed to go on forever. There was lots to see along the way though.

(Definition of Stupa here. )


Diane and I were both thinking about bears and such and the funny part is I had bought this little bell from one of the stores that has a wonderful sound and it is supposed to scare the bears away. My sister and I were wondering if it was just the bears dinner bell and no one would ever find us again.

Finally we were at the end of the path (which we realized was a short drive from where we parked) and there stood the magnificent Stuppa.

It was very very cool. It had a quietness around it that is hard to describe unless you are there. The rocks that were around it all seemed to be balanced and on top of each other like artwork. I’m sure there is a reason as they were quite lovely.

I thought if Kaleigh can’t be there I will balance a rock for her that hopefully will stay until I can visit with her. Who knows maybe we will do a retreat there some day. Now that would be life changing.

Diane was amazed that the beautiful flowers grew along the highway and we had to get a shot of the very large mushroom.

This is where the magic happened. All day we were asking to see an eagle and we saw one in the tree. We were getting ready to go into the car when there was a mist falling on us. It wasn’t like rain as we weren’t getting wet and we weren’t near the water and it was warm. We both looked up at the same time and saw two giant eagles circling over our heads. It was a moment for sure.

For about 3 days afterwards everything flowed like we were in God’s good Graces.

We were blessed.

Something we found out earlier that day from the man that took us out on the whale watch is that every year at the end of lobster season Gampo Abbey buys up the last catch and releases them back into the ocean unharmed. Isn’t that the coolest! Here’s where you can read about it.

There will be a part three for this day and you won’t believe the house we saw.

Quote for you:

“What we think, we become.” Buddha

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Ikea Commercial

October 06th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone.

I have talked about my good Friend Cynthia and her amazing blog.

Well check out the current post about the cats they used for the Ikea commercial.

It’s adorable and hilarious how they did it.

Quote for you:

“Every dog has his day – but the nights are reserved for the cats.” Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Tim Horton’s Pumpkin Spice Muffin

October 05th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

I am totally excited because it’s that time again for the Pumpkin Spice Muffins at Tim Horton’s.

They are amazing. Yum Yum. They have this cool hard icing dream in the top hole (see it peaking out there) and totally delicious.

My dear friend Kaleigh introduced me to them.

To prove how good they are they have 390 calories, 12 grams of fat and 3 fibre. Oh so worth it.

Be back in a bit I’m headed out for one.

Quote for you:

“Top of the Muffin to You!” Seinfeld Episode

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

P.S. I had my first muffin this morning (Wednesday) oh ya they are just as I remembered them.

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Whale Video

October 05th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon,Now that's Peculiar.

Divine Travels of the Ha Ha Sisterhood – Day Three – Part One

October 04th, 2010 | Category: Cape Breton Holiday 2010,Musings by Sharon

Hi my Dear Blog Friends. Are you ready to visit the Cabot Trail with us?

I have to tell you the Cabot Trail has to be the most beautiful place I have ever been. It is just breathtaking.

We went whale watching in the morning in a zodiac.

Here’s the boat we went out on. Cute eh? I kept thinking about a video I received on email where this huge whale capsized this little boat. I was brave though and got on anyway.

We had to wear these unflattering suits that made us look like astronauts. They were warm though. Thank goodness for my hat and the gloves we bought at the dollar store.

As soon as we went out the guy that was driving the boat who was a real sweetie said that he had a surprise for us. He said he couldn’t tell us until we were out in the water. So that surprise was that there was a shark out in the water. It was very cool and very “jaws” like when we saw the big fin flying by. We didn’t get a picture.

Then we headed out to the whales. Whales are just so magnificent. I remember when my sister and I went to Salem and saw the whales. They are just so cool.

The pictures are hard to see anything (it just looks like a giant sea monster) but check out the video I put on youtube that my sister did. I tried to put it in this post but I can’t figure it out. It’s above though anyway.

There was a beautiful view of the Abby from the boat.

 We went to the abbey but that is for the next blog. OO la la. Something very magical happened there…… I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

We found this little seat up made of nature so Diane and I asked the guy sitting their so peacefully if he would get off of it and let us sit there for our picture. He very kindly obliged us. It’s a family tradition when you are in a plane and it is just going up in the air to link your baby fingers so we did it on our little stone seat too for some reason.


Quote for you:

“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” Rachel Carson

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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The Shack

October 04th, 2010 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome Dear Blog Friends. How are you this crispy cool morning?

I’ve been addicted the last few days to this amazing book called “The Shack” by William Paul Young.

I’ve been drawn to this book for some time. When I go into a book store it usually jumps out at me and I’ve been wanting to get it. Lo and behold my good friend Carolyn’s husband Paul said he just finished it and lent it to me to read.

I really like the way it is written. I’m still not finished but it is a good read. Talks a lot about forgiveness even when something is unforgivable.

I believe you can get it at The Violet Door in Bowmanville. If not Joanne & Brian can order it for you.

It’s an amazing read.

Quote for you:

“I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing, and I know that Grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.” William P. Young

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Divine Travels of the Ha Ha Sisterhood – Day Two – Part Three

October 03rd, 2010 | Category: Cape Breton Holiday 2010,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone.

We are still in Cheticamp this day. Day Two seems to be quite a full day I’m thinking as it is spread out into three blogs.

Please don’t grow tired of our trip. There are lots of fun things along the way.

So after the “haunted scarecrows” we saw a lovely church. It was beautiful. Not sure if we just had to pee or we really wanted to go in there but we stopped. Here’s a picture.

We went in the church. It was somewhat scary with bloody jesus and other statues and tons of candles in there but fun nonetheless. I rang the bell. Check it out on youtube. (The thing is I can’t figure out how to move it around so you have to watch it sideways. Story of my Life.)

(I should be careful here as a man at the flea market told me I was a spawn of the devil and was going straight to hell for being a psychic. Whew, I’m so glad that the God I know isn’t as judgemental as his. Geez Louise.)

Now the church had a little mini me church beside it. It was a bit peculiar I’m thinking but kind of cute. See it here. Diane was hiding behind it.

So after that we head back into Cheticamp and walked along the pier. I think we found Dexter’s container. Here’s a picture of it. I was scared to peek in.

Then we went to dinner at Gabrielle’s which was delightful and headed home to the Motel to get a good night sleep for tomorrow which was an amazing day. You’ll have to wait though!

Quote for you:

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.” Paulo Coelho

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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