Archive for July, 2009

WOW! Let it Rain!

July 13th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. How are you this lovely morning.

Someone sent me a youtube connection to this amazing choir that simulates rain and thunder.

It’s the coolest.

Check it out here.

I never cease to be amazed at all the talent out there. Such a world God gave us for sure.

Quote for you:

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Until we Meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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The Great Aunts! Chapter One

July 12th, 2009 | Category: memories,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this day? Welcome to the TPC Blog.

I had such a fun day today. My nephew’s wife is expecting and it was her shower today. The three great Aunts went to the shower and we had such a fun time. It was my sister, my sister in law and myself along with all the nieces and their little ones.

We spent the whole day reminiscing about old times and cracking up with laughter. It’s a wonder we survived.

Like the time when…..

……my sister-in-law did a load of laundry at my parents house in Peterborough and not knowing you had to switch over the water hose to the sink the water went everywhere. My sister-in-law and my Mom were upstairs laughing with the kids and such and they could hear my Dad calling….Frances…Frances….then they looked downstairs and there was my Dad with his feet up still watching TV and yelling for my Mom to come and wipe up the water. My Dad was one of a kind alright. Instead of yelling OMG the water is running all over and running into the laundry room and switching the hose he just sat there calling for my Mom so by the time they came down there was like 3 inches of water. What would Eddie do?….

……my son was a little guy and he was really tired. He was walking around the back yard of my brothers and they have this huge pool. Everyone was around and I was watching him like an eagle eyed Mom and I saw him walking around the pool. He walked right in the water and he didn’t swim. Right in the deep end. I was over there in a flash and before anyone even knew he fell in I had him out of the water. He popped up and said “big water let’s go home now”. I didn’t remember him saying that I just remember running and pulling him out of the water and my heart going 90 miles an hour…..

……my older boy got caught in my Mom’s turn about she had for cans and she couldn’t get him out….

…..the old fashioned bathtub full of minnows where the sump pump splashed its water into in the back of the lot that stayed there winter and summer and the minnows seemed to survive for fishing once again…..

……I can’t remember all of them but there were so many things and so much laughter.

Then to top it all off there was a magician that came for entertainment. My nieces son was the most entertaining though because as the magician was doing his thing he was trying to do the same thing behind him. He was picking up the cards and throwing them and saying look disappear! He was just so cute. He also thought it fun to run up to the little girl his own age and plant a kiss on her cheek with a big hug.

Such fun the day was. Family is always the greatest.

Congratulations Rena and Adam and to my brother as the Family name continues and for the wonderful family he has.

Quote for You:

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” Milton Berle

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


United Breaks Guitars

July 11th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone! How are you today? It’s a somewhat peculiar day to me. I’m not sure why just what I’m feeling.

Have you seen the video on youtube by Dave Carroll about his broken Taylor guitar. It’s so funny. Apparently its a great success so by sacrificing his guitar United really gave him the break he was looking for.

Here’s the link.

It is so hilarious. The video has had over 600,000 hits when he has been trying to make it for years now. Funny how when its your time its your time.

I laughed at the video because it reminded me of the time my own luggage was left out there on its own. Here’s the blog I’m talking about where I told you about it.

Make sure you watch his song. I love the internet sometimes. It’s just so easy to find talent like Dave Carroll.

Good luck with your career Dave. Hopefully this lucky break takes you to where you are supposed to be. Success looks good on you.

Quote for you:

“If one advances confidently in the direction of one’s dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Henry David Thoreau

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Stop and Smell the Roses

July 08th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this beautiful day that was given to us? I am especially grateful for some reason.

I have been trying to stop throughout the day and stay in the moment. Just ask myself what is going on and what am I feeling and to stop the chatter that is going through that head of mine at 90 miles an hour. The what if’s, the what next, the why nots,  etc.

It is a really healthy habit I’m thinking.

Today I was waiting for my husband while he was getting some lab work done and I was standing on the balcony where I always do looking out over the Supercentre store. I tried to notice things I never noticed before. I never noticed they piled all the stuff on the top shelf to restore the shelves. I’ve stood there many a time and looked but never saw. Things like that. The way my tongue felt, the way I could see the sides of my glasses, crazy stuff like that. After that I just wanted to be, just be.

I think it really helps sometimes to stay in the moment and realize the great gift we have of our time here on the Good Earth.

After I went downstairs and found the perfect jade plant I have been looking for with a beautiful fuscia glass bottom. I’m not sure I would have noticed this gift if I didn’t stay focused for just a few moments. I would have been scurrying around looking for this or that and finding nothing. I much prefer the universe coming to me vs. me coming to the universe.

Enjoy the gift of the moment my friends.

Quote for you:

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” Cherokee Indian Proverb

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Ghostly Encounter with Michael Jackson

July 08th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good morning everyone. How are you this lovely morning? Welcome to the Psychic Cottage Blog.

Have you seen it yet? The video of what they are saying is Michael Jackson’s ghost?

Here’s the link to it. Michael Jackson.

Of course as a medium there is no doubt in my mind that spirits live among us. When clients have a spirit come through for them they provide details that only that person would know. Surely I wouldn’t know before or even have a reason to know.  One even had me talking with a lisp and when I enquired with the client she said her mother talked with a lisp. Who am I to say this isn’t real.

It might or might not be a hoax. Maybe Michael would be amused maybe he wouldn’t. However with the technology they have today if they wanted a hoax they could have done much better. It’s not 1900 its 2009.

The part that is kind of odd is the shadow. Would spirit leave a shadow? I don’t think so.

I guess anything can happen though. We thought the world was flat remember?

The Neverland Ranch is going to turn into a multi million dollar adventure with or without his ghost. I’m sure having his ghost there will up the anti somewhat.

Life is fun sometimes and we have to go with it.

Quote for you:

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” Michael Jackson

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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In the Kitchen with Sharon

July 07th, 2009 | Category: In the Kitchen with Sharon,Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this glorious day.

So I thought I was doing really well with my Xpress Redi Set Go (“XRSG”) and I had a strange day with it.

I made a pizza early afternoon for Bobby and it went well. Considering that I didn’t really have pizza supplies and compromised a bit and considering that I thought Bobby would just feed it to our dogs I didn’t put my heart into it.

Actually it turned out pretty good. They are mighty small and Bobby asked for another. I thought that was a good sign. I was a bit confused because it wouldn’t work at first and then I realized I didn’t have it turned on. Yes I told you before cooking isn’t my thing.

Then when I got home later in the evening he asked for another. I brought home all the right fixings for the pizza like real sauce etc and it turned out pretty good. You can’t go crazy on the cheese though.

The dough was nice and light that I made.

Then the trouble began. I thought what about a few potatoes from a can. I’m not sure if it overheated from making a pizza and going right into potatoes but there was this smell of paint burning and then I looked on top and the paint was pealing off the top? I’m not sure how it got so hot?

Bobby at this point was that’s it I’m not eating out of it ever again. My heart was broken.

What happened? All my dreams crushed in an instant?

I’ll see what happens tomorrow when I make an egg. I put a complaint into the complaint department to see if mine is defective.

My heart is broken. I thought this was my entrance way into cooking.

Quote for you:

“If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.” Murphy’s Law

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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I got my Xpress Redi Set Go today!

July 06th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you doing?

Well I guess you know from the title I finally got my Xpress Redi Set Go grill. I’m totally pumped. When I was opening the box and told my son I ordered something he said “They got you eh?”. Too funny.

He is right though.  I was looking through my little book which lists my requested manifestations and I noticed one day where there are all these odd things on the list. I must have been watching TV for some reason because there were three infomercial things on the list. I guess sometimes you shouldn’t have your manifestation list too close to you. Good thing I didn’t have a credit card handy.

I’m a bit weirded out about where to start and I was a little surprised about how small it is. It looks like it belongs in a toy kitchen beside an Easy Bake Oven. Also, there are these little metal things on the pans and they say “Caution Hot”. Would it have hurt to add a little plastic thing to hold onto so I don’t lose some fingerprints which is totally going to happen.

Nonetheless I’m am thoroughly excited to start. There is a recipe for dough for the pizza and you make up enough for 12 pizza’s and put it in the fridge for two weeks. That’s kind of cool. It might be a little stretch to accomplish this dough for me but I’ll try. What’s the worse that could happen right?

My husband was a little surprised I didn’t jump in and do something right away. He had a bit of an expression that looked like he was experiencing a deja vu from our pasta express.

So that’s it. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

A quote for you:

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Look Up – My Favicon Has Arrived

July 02nd, 2009 | Category: Exciting News,Musings by Sharon

Good Morning my Blog Friends. How are you this magical day.

Look up and check out my new Favicon. Isn’t it adorable? It’s the little star from my site that is over the door.

If you are wondering what a Favicon is (I hear you I was there a week ago) check out this previous blog of mine.

I’m so proud of it.  I have an Identity!

Mouth Media are the best.

So that’s it for now. Just wanted to share my good news.

Quote for you:

“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” Goethe

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Happy Canada Day Eh!

July 01st, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Everyone. How are you this wonderful Canada Day. I can’t believe the sun is out. How cool is that? I had all these plans and cancelled them because it was supposed to rain. I should have trusted my gut instead of the weather channel.

I just wanted to take a moment to say how lucky I feel to live in such a beautiful Country as Canada. What’s not to love about it.

Also, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all our men and women over in Kandahar.

Blessings to you all and a special blessing to our dear friend Joe.

May God be with you all

So have a wonderful Canada Day one and all.

Quote for you:

“I always thought of this as God’s country.” Jack Granastein

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


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