Jul 8

Stop and Smell the Roses

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this beautiful day that was given to us? I am especially grateful for some reason.

I have been trying to stop throughout the day and stay in the moment. Just ask myself what is going on and what am I feeling and to stop the chatter that is going through that head of mine at 90 miles an hour. The what if’s, the what next, the why nots,  etc.

It is a really healthy habit I’m thinking.

Today I was waiting for my husband while he was getting some lab work done and I was standing on the balcony where I always do looking out over the Supercentre store. I tried to notice things I never noticed before. I never noticed they piled all the stuff on the top shelf to restore the shelves. I’ve stood there many a time and looked but never saw. Things like that. The way my tongue felt, the way I could see the sides of my glasses, crazy stuff like that. After that I just wanted to be, just be.

I think it really helps sometimes to stay in the moment and realize the great gift we have of our time here on the Good Earth.

After I went downstairs and found the perfect jade plant I have been looking for with a beautiful fuscia glass bottom. I’m not sure I would have noticed this gift if I didn’t stay focused for just a few moments. I would have been scurrying around looking for this or that and finding nothing. I much prefer the universe coming to me vs. me coming to the universe.

Enjoy the gift of the moment my friends.

Quote for you:

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” Cherokee Indian Proverb

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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