Archive for May, 2009

He Did It!

May 25th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

I have to tell you my husband came through and fixed the drain. The home depot visit was a success.

He went, he saw and he conquered.

I was so impressed I have to tell you.

The funniest part was while he was bending down under the cupboard he actually had a little bit of a “plumbers crack” showing. You know what I mean? I didn’t laugh hysterically out loud at the time because he was a little flustered but the whole time I was thinking “OMG this is such great blog material.”

So I guess I owe my husband a blog apology. I will try and hold off an hour or so before I judge in the future.

Although I have to tell you I’m wondering just a little about the “other” things he could be fixing throughout the house. I was thinking of a “Honey Do List” but then I remembered that he might want a Honey Do List from me too and that ain’t happening.

As I’m being kind to my better half I have to tell you that he joined the Running Room. He had on the brightest lime green shirt on that they gave him (I noticed no one else had one on) and his new running pants and special shoes. When I dropped him off I was thinking man your so brave. The only thing I would run for is maybe to grab the last piece of chocolate cake.

I was thinking was I ever brave like that. Walk into a crowd with a bright green shirt on to run miles. Maybe not. I do remember once though when I was young (when times were safer) walking into a Swiss Chalet and there being a line up and I said to this man “can I sit with you in your booth?”. Looking back that was probably the weirdest thing I ever did (well maybe) but we had a nice meal together. The guy probably thought my cake slipped off my plate.

Live and Learn I guess.

So that’s it I just wanted to keep you up to date on my drain dilemma. Yuck I guess that means dishes are back on.

Quote for You:

“What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow. ”  Nathaniel Hawthorne

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


The Magic of her Voice. Susan Boyle does it Again.

May 25th, 2009 | Category: Exciting News,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

Have you seen it yet? The new Susan Boyle song.

She looks so lovely and beautiful. I’m just so happy that God gave her this wonderful chance to share her voice with us.

God Bless you Susan. We all love you.

Quote for you:

“And then the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to Blossom.” Anais Nin

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


I’m holding my Breathe the hubs is at Home Depot!

May 25th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone. Is it not a glorius day. God is Good.

So the hubs is at home dept as I wrote looking for parts for our drain. I’m so proud of him.

Today I expect a miracle in my life.

Quote for you:

“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” Paulo Coelho

Until we meet again, Sharon

P.S. I think its going to be soon! I have to give you the outcome.

The Psychic Cottage


Not a Handy Bone in our Bodies.

May 24th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this glorious night.

Well I’m sure Mercury is getting ready to come out of Retrograde because driving is just crazy.

My son and I were on the highway and this guy just starts pulling towards us from the back. I’m like OMG. I do my usual energy thing but he keeps coming. My son yelled “Blow the Horn”. I guess it was on his side so he was really stressed. Thank goodness no one was beside me. I think he was actually quite corked or something because he was driving a bit strange. I stayed behind him. I have expected to see him in the ditch as we drove.

Onto my story.

So this morning I am doing dishes and my feet feel wet. I looked down and it was like I somehow spilled some coffee. I thought it strange and continued. Then it was unmistakable I didn’t spill this water something was happening. I looked under the sink and the whole piping that goes into the sink was about 2 inches down and the water was just pouring out. It somehow rotted away.

That is so hilarious. Bobby was none too pleased. I really don’t know why he bought a 120 year old house when he doesn’t have a handy bone in his body. When things break we make due. The bathtub plumbing goes we use the shower. I’m not sure what will happen if the shower breaks. Even though I was totally aware that putting water where there was no plumbing for some reason I kept putting water down the sink and then I had to wipe it all up shaking my head at how dumb that was. Talk about belief systems. Finally I dragged my son over to the dollar store and we picked up a plastic tub thing.

I’m not complaining as I was never really a house person myself. I don’t think we would be here even if it wasn’t for our 100 pound dogs. Somehow condo living doesn’t allow for that. They love to bark too. So for us after the dogs are gone its off to a condo and no more dogs. Although I would love a little yorkie named Abigail although I think I might have to wait until my next life. Although I could keep her in my purse.

We have accepted that I’m no Martha and my husband is no Tim the Toolman. Maybe this time we are going to have to call a plumber. I heard there are places you can call and all the repairmen are women. I like that idea. I think that would be fun.

So that’s it for today. I’m out for the night.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday.

Quote for you:

“If I had my life to live over again, I’d be a plumber.” Albert Einstein

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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Creepy Mannequin Memories and Psychic Wedding Showers

May 23rd, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you doing?

The world seems very quiet at the moment. Not sure what’s up. It is an eerie silence I’m feeling for some reason. Maybe it is just Mercury in Retrograde going straight in the next week or so. God is Good I’m sure it is nothing.

I went to a wedding shower last night to do readings. It seems to be something that is taking off for me and kind of happened because I helped a friend out with her daughter’s wedding shower as the theme was a tea party.  So very serendipitous.  Perfect to have a psychic there. It’s such fun seeing everyone all dressed up. It’s hard to get to everyone and there always is a long line up waiting at the end. This time a lady said you should have spent 5 minutes on everyone. I was thinking even if I spent 5 minutes I wouldn’t have been able to read everyone.

Such excitement in the young peoples’ faces that are getting married. It is more exciting to do things like that because everyone knows everyone and you get to know where everyone fits in.

This one was at Bellevue Manor in Woodbridge. It is very beautiful there. It was strange because there was an older Italian man spirit sitting there the whole time and he was sitting on an overturned bucket that the grapes come in and he was carving or something. It felt like he was in a garage. I don’t think he realized we were even there although I did see him look up at me a few times. He seemed content.  I kept asking everyone if he belonged to them then I realized he must have lived on the land before this wonderful manor was built or he is related to someone who owns the manor. He was lovely. I guess I should have asked him directly but really didn’t have the time as I didn’t stop. Well I had to stop when they were doing their dance lessons and I couldn’t hear and the people I was doing readings for couldn’t hear either. I guess they didn’t think of that. I got a well deserved rest.

So I go back to my car and I realized that I left a mannequin in the back of my car from a flea market that I did with a friend. It’s the headless half body kind. I laughed thinking if someone looked in they are going to think I have a body in there. I would be on the news and wouldn’t even know it. We are following crazy psychic with bright pink turtles all over her car and she seems to have a headless body in the back. I would be totally unaware of it as I am most of the time about things going on around me. Oh dear I shouldn’t put that out there on the Ether should I. All is Well. All is well.

I was laughing to myself because this mannquein reminded me of when I was young I used to watch my friend Beverly’s house when they were away on their many trips and her dog (the dog’s name was Bobby, lol,  who was the mother of our families’ dog Molly). Her father was a window dresser. I would have to go and check out the house to make sure everything was ok (I think I was supposed to do that unless I was just nosy) and it was just the creepiest. All these mannequins and different body parts hanging around, all naked, all staring at me. I used to run in and run out real fast. I guess being psychic didn’t help none at that point.  Life was so different back then.

Quote for you:

“Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you’re scared to death.” Earl Wilson

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


It’s All about me Today! It’s my Birthday.

May 20th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone. How are you this glorious day.

We always joke when someone gets too full of themselves “What is it your birthday? Is it all about “you” today?”.

Well today it “IS” all about me because its my BIRTHDAY!

I love birthdays. Mostly because if you follow 7 thunders it’s a whole new beginning of a new adventure. I love new things. They get my attention.

Thank you for being there throughout the year. You’re the best.

Quote for you:

“A birthday is just the first day of another 365 day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.” Author Unknown.

Until we Meet Again my Friend, Sharon.

The Psychic Cottage


I’m Totally Back Friends.

May 15th, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone.

Well our computer was down and sent me into a frenzy! I will treat her  with much more love then I used to. I didn’t realize how much she meant to me. I think I will name her Abigail. Our amazing computer guy Kyle (CSI Computers in Bowmanville) fixed us up without losing a thing. Apparently we were at capacity. Who knew? My husband got X box (I think he’s addicted) so hopefully he will leave the computer alone for games now and she will be fine.

Going to the library didn’t give me the same inspiration as sitting in our little cluttered computer room drinking a cup of tea. Although I did get a new found love for the library. Free books to read, free videos. What a trip. I forgot all about how much fun a library could be.

So I’m now back. I’m feeling back in many ways actually. The pendulum has truly gone the other way and life is getting to the point where I feel like me again. There is always a plan but tell people that when they are sucking dirt and they won’t believe you. Maybe I had to experience this time in order to be there for others. I’m borderline Mary Poppins when it comes to looking up (my older boy calls me Mommy Poppins or Mommy Pippins, something like that) so I had to realize that being down is real. Thanks Universe! There’s always a lesson isn’t there.

So that’s it. I will write again soon. Lots of things to talk about. Be well and God Bless.

A quote for you:

“Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.” General George Patton.

Until we meet again, Sharon.

The Psychic Cottage

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Gypsy Willow Dusk

May 03rd, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends.

I’m sure you are all fans of Facebook, who isn’t, and I have to tell you about my find.

I was talking to a cousin who I haven’t talked to in eons which is weird because we used to be attached at the hip and she had on her Facebook “know your Hippy Name”. I love Hippy stuff. The flowers, music, the whole fun of it all (except the “pot” thing but then I don’t even drink) so I had to find out what my name was.

This is what my cousin remembered about me. This is hilarious because out of 10 solid years of our life this is what she remembered. She says “remember when you slept over and you got up but you were sleepwalking and you thought the closet was the washroom and we had to pull you out and bring you to the washroom”. Funny what we remember.

Anyway…my Hippy name is Gypsy Willow Dusk. If I could figure out how to copy the picture in you would agree the resemblance is remarkable. My friend wrote “that’s perfect”. I’ll try to put it on my facebook page for The Psychic Cottage. Don’t forget to visit The Psychic Cottage Facebook page. Lots of fun and free things.

So that’s it for now.

Here’s  a few Hippy Quotes:

“You’re either on the bus or off the bus”.  Ken Kesey

“Hippies, hippies….they want to save the world but all they do is smoke pot and play frisbee!” Eric Carmen

Until we meet again, Sharon


Happy Beltane.

May 01st, 2009 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello my dear Friends.

I hope this wonderful 1st of May has you excited about good things to come.

I had a wonderful surprise today in that my lovely sister-in-law brought to our home the blessing of some Barmbrack Bread.

Now Kimmi is so connected to the Fairy Folk. The outside of her home is dedicated to them with certain gardens and fish ponds and each little thing means something.

Once Bobby and I went to her home and a fairy showed up in a picture.  I tried to do the whole picture but the fairy seemed to dissappear so you are just getting our famous little fairy here.

So the story with the delightful Barmbrack Bread goes like this. You eat it with everyone in the home and you each make a wish. It was stressed the importance of “be careful what you wish for”. Then before midnight you put the rest outside for the fairies for their treat and blessings throughout the year. You make it very clear to them of your intentions.

What fun! It tastes wonderful too!

I wondered what was going on today as the veil seemed to be extremely thin. I was having a shower and I saw someone in the room with me outside the shower.  I just thought it was Bobby but then I realized the door was locked. Lots of activity for sure today.

To Celebrate:

“The May-pole is up, Now give me the cup; I’ll drink to the garlands around it; But first unto those, Whose hands did compose, The glory of flowers that crown’d it.” Robert Herrick The Maypole 1660

Blessings to you all my Friends.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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