May 1

Happy Beltane.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello my dear Friends.

I hope this wonderful 1st of May has you excited about good things to come.

I had a wonderful surprise today in that my lovely sister-in-law brought to our home the blessing of some Barmbrack Bread.

Now Kimmi is so connected to the Fairy Folk. The outside of her home is dedicated to them with certain gardens and fish ponds and each little thing means something.

Once Bobby and I went to her home and a fairy showed up in a picture.  I tried to do the whole picture but the fairy seemed to dissappear so you are just getting our famous little fairy here.

So the story with the delightful Barmbrack Bread goes like this. You eat it with everyone in the home and you each make a wish. It was stressed the importance of “be careful what you wish for”. Then before midnight you put the rest outside for the fairies for their treat and blessings throughout the year. You make it very clear to them of your intentions.

What fun! It tastes wonderful too!

I wondered what was going on today as the veil seemed to be extremely thin. I was having a shower and I saw someone in the room with me outside the shower.  I just thought it was Bobby but then I realized the door was locked. Lots of activity for sure today.

To Celebrate:

“The May-pole is up, Now give me the cup; I’ll drink to the garlands around it; But first unto those, Whose hands did compose, The glory of flowers that crown’d it.” Robert Herrick The Maypole 1660

Blessings to you all my Friends.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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  1. Conspirama May 1st, 2009 4:06 pm

    Psychic Cottage » Happy Beltane….

    Strumenti e risorse per le nuove forme di comunicazione….

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