Archive for the 'Musings by Sharon' Category

Eaton’s Doesn’t Tell Simpsons

June 13th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone!

I was talking to my buddy Carolyn of Sands of Time Tarot and she was telling me about an expression her Mom said all the time when they were young and I thought it was so adorable.

It was Eaton’s doesn’t tell Simpsons.

It made me think of when we were young and would go downtown with the Christmas windows and the big events of shopping downtown.

So many memories.

Quote for you:

“The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average effort.” Colin Powell

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Mirror Magic

June 08th, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Morning All! Welcome to the Psychic Cottage blog.

I hope you are reading my other blog called Betwixt and Between. I’m trying for them to be a bit different with this one being a bit psychic and the other being a bit more about day to day life. There is a button on the side of this blog that will bring you right into the Betwixt and Between blog.

I wanted to share something with you.

Last night I was reading Noah St. John’s book The Secret Code to Success and I thought how can I do my afformations in a stronger way. I was looking at my whiteboard I always have beside me that reminds me of my daily jobs I need to do and I thought I wonder if a pen that you use on a whiteboard would work on a mirror? Guess what it does?

Now this might not be for everyone but Bobby and I don’t really care if there is writing all over our mirror if it works!

So on our large mirror in the bathroom I wrote “Why do I lose weight so easily?” I wrote it in a large fashion so when Bobby and I looked at it it was above our head. We go to the bathroom a lot in a day and if we do that afformation every day its going to work! I wrote our goals at the bottom because Bobby doesn’t have to lose as much as I do.

I’ll keep you posted.

You could put anything really?

Now reading this I think I’m going to add in a healthy way!

I checked if the pen came off and it did! You might want to check your pen you have so you don’t ruin your mirror. I bought the good ones from staples. I wouldn’t trust something cheap.

Cool idea eh?

Quote for you:

“Happiness is looking in a mirror and liking what you see.” Author Unknown.

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Litter Pail

June 07th, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

I saw the cutest thing today. It was kind of like a diaper pail but it was for cat litter!

Funny part is the other day I thought that I might buy a diaper pail for the litter and then the Universe showed me this little thing.

Brilliant idea!

Wonder what the difference is? Poop is poop?

Quote for you:

“One cat just leads to another.” Ernest Hemingway

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Divine Grace

June 06th, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello All!

I was thinking about the word Grace today. It’s such a nice word and such a nice feeling when you say it. Warm and fuzzy like.

Some words have feelings I think or energy around them.

Just when you think the word Grace isn’t sacred enough along comes the added word “Divine” making Divine Grace.

I had a teacher once and she would say to proceed with “grace and ease”.

Yesterday was kind of one of those days that could be considered kind of graceful.

It was like any other kind of day but a few things happened that were a little out of the ordinary.

The first thing that happened was when Carolyn from Sands of Time Tarot and I were headed up to Jester’s Court for our usual Tuesday night gig and a Mama Deer (I guess a Doe) ran across the road right in front of us followed by a little fawn. The fawn didn’t quite make it though and headed back thank goodness. It was such a wonderful feeling when such a powerful beautiful animal is right there in front of you. God is good.

Bobby says in Native seeing a deer or an experience with a deer is new beginnings. Kind of cool.

Then while we were at Jester’s Court I heard Carolyn yell check out the rainbow! It was so beautiful.

It was just one of those beautiful days. I know Venus in doing some wonderful transit so it could be connected to this event. I just know it was a day of wonderful grace.

Quote for you:

“Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It’s a way to live.”Jackie Windspear

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Woo Hoo Pick 2

June 05th, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Morning Everyone!

Did you see there is a new lottery? Pick 2! And it;s Two Times a Day! Double Whammy! Also, now Pick 3, Pick 4 and Keno as well as Encore are twice a day.

The government must need some extra cash or they are getting extremely greedy! Ya think?

It’s all getting so confusing for the addictive personalities around. Between Poker and this and that I’m thinking just to put my money in a potted planter each day and put some dirt in it and watch it grow instead. I’m thinking I might have more luck that way?

Totally thinking of going cold turkey on this one. Although I don’t think I can stop Lotto max. I just have a gut feeling on that one that I will win someday.

Quote for you:

“Nothing happens by chance, my friend… No such thing as luck. A meaning behind every little thing, and such a meaning behind this. Part for you, part for me, may not see it all real clear right now, but we will, before long.” Richard Bach

Until we meet again, Sharon

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When Al’s 64!

June 04th, 2012 | Category: Gems Along the Way,Musings by Sharon

Welcome Everyone! Thank you for popping by as always!

Today our  brother Alan is 64! You have met him before in blogs like this one: Alan.

We have waited for Alan to be 64 for forever in order to have some fun with him because Alan loves the Beatles. ABSOLUTELY LOVES THEM!

For fun we had the following you tube video made on Fiverr.

They did a great job. Here’s the link for Dave and T’s Gig on Fiverr if you want to see how they do it!

Happy Birthday Alan! We Love you Tons Bro!

Quote for you:

“To the outside world we all grow old.
But not to brothers and sisters.
We know each other as we always were.
We know each other’s hearts.
We share private family jokes.
We remember family feuds and secrets,
family griefs and joys.
We live outside the touch of time.”
Clara Ortega

Until we meet again, Sharon



June 03rd, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon


I came across this word today and I thought that it was the cutest thing ever!

I was listening to Noah St.John and he used it! I’m not sure where it came from originally. Too much fun!

I have a little secret! Psychic Cottage has found a home! It isn’t happening until September and you will hear more about it shortly but I just wanted you to think of courses and/or things you would like to happen in this setting.

I know I have been asked time and time again to have a spiritual group! I’m sure this will be on the list, along with Psychic teas, etc!

I’m too excited! Aren’t you?

It’s still a secret but I know you will be as excited as me.

Quote for you:

“Every individual has a place to fill in the world and it important in some respect whether he chooses to be or not.” Nathaniel_Hawthorne

Until we meet again, Sharon


Always a Fighter

June 02nd, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Psychic Cottage blog.

I was remembering today that when I was in school, grade 8 I think, they had separate courses for car mechanics for boys and car mechanics for girls.

This didn’t sit well with me and I fought and I fought until I got in the boys class. Then when I was in the first class and they stuck a greasy car part in front of me to dissect I was like euew thanks but no thanks and quit the class.

Sometimes its just all about the fight for equality.

Quote for you:

“A little rebellion is a good thing. ” Thomas Jefferson

Until we meet again, Sharon

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Happy June

June 01st, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome Everyone. White Rabbit.

Summer is coming! The weather has been lovely so we are really lucky and blessed.

I think we might be in for some major rain though from how heavy it feels outside.Hope not.

I’ve been doing my Noah St. John “afformations” and they really seem to work. Try it!

Even something small. “Why am I having the best day of my life.?”

I ordered his book I’ll let you know when I have read it and share what I felt with that.

There is just so much information in the Universe today! Wise teachers are popping up everywhere! I guess with the internet too it’s so much easier to find them.

Quote for you:

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. ” Albert Einstein

Until we meet again, Sharon

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The Art of Receiving

May 31st, 2012 | Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome Everyone.

I was discussing the other day with someone close to me the art of receiving.

Why is it so easy to give and so hard to receive? So many givers when it comes to the time for the person or the Universe to return the favour refuse to receive. Even compliments sometimes.  Not sure if it is some sort of non deserving kind of thing but it does set up a person for poverty mentality.

Someone told me once long time ago if you refuse someone giving you something or doing a favour for you, you are actually not giving them the right to feel like you do when you give.That snapped me out of it fast.

I love to give. I would not want to take that feeling of giving away from someone at all.

Isn’t money the same thing? When it comes time for the Universe to send back lots of cash in your direction do you put up your energy boundary and say NOPE not here! I think the person over there needs it more than me.

Not me! Money is like air and it will be directed to the people that are ready to receive it! I’m in! Bring it On!

Not only money but goodies too! Even good energy.

Make your vessel as big as you want it. Make your doors as wide as you can. Make your heart as open as you can to receive. God Loves you more than you know.

Quote for you:

“Giving opens the way for receiving.” Florence Scovel Shinn

Until we meet again, Sharon

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