May 31

The Art of Receiving

Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome Everyone.

I was discussing the other day with someone close to me the art of receiving.

Why is it so easy to give and so hard to receive? So many givers when it comes to the time for the person or the Universe to return the favour refuse to receive. Even compliments sometimes.  Not sure if it is some sort of non deserving kind of thing but it does set up a person for poverty mentality.

Someone told me once long time ago if you refuse someone giving you something or doing a favour for you, you are actually not giving them the right to feel like you do when you give.That snapped me out of it fast.

I love to give. I would not want to take that feeling of giving away from someone at all.

Isn’t money the same thing? When it comes time for the Universe to send back lots of cash in your direction do you put up your energy boundary and say NOPE not here! I think the person over there needs it more than me.

Not me! Money is like air and it will be directed to the people that are ready to receive it! I’m in! Bring it On!

Not only money but goodies too! Even good energy.

Make your vessel as big as you want it. Make your doors as wide as you can. Make your heart as open as you can to receive. God Loves you more than you know.

Quote for you:

“Giving opens the way for receiving.” Florence Scovel Shinn

Until we meet again, Sharon

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