Nov 7

Bubblegum Memories and Cool Last Names

Hi Everyone.

I hope this blogs finds you all well and happy. I apologize for the tardiness in my writing.

I was thinking today about how sometimes life is really good and you don’t really know it when you are in it but then when you think back to it you think “wow”.

When I was in public school (up to grade 6) I had a wonderful friend. Her name was Nancy and she had some cool french last name that I can’t spell. I was thinking of her today and I was thinking how much fun she was to be around. Well I’m hoping she was and it wasn’t just the fringe benefits in her Dad. Well not him personally but what he did for a living.

Back way when we didn’t have as many things or as many treats like they do now that’s for sure. I remember my sister when I was young giving me such a hard time as she said that I was treated better and received anything I wanted (I was the youngest)  but I don’t remember it to be like that. My sister’s line was “All I ever got was a lime (and she stressed the word like “LIIIIMMMMMEEEE“) green ski jacket”. If it were today we both would want one.  I totally love my sister so don’t get me wrong. This is just old funny stuff I remember.

Back to Nancy. So picture this. Nancy’s dad worked for a gumball company that filled those machines. You would go in her basement and there would be hundreds of open huge boxes of gumballs. Every colour and shape imaginable.  Each bag had a plastic bag in it that wrapped around the box. It was a bit creepy downstairs but let’s see “creepy” vs.  “gumballs”, I’ll take the gumballs.

I don’t remember playing with her much at “my” house. Not sure how I always got her to allow me to go there and I wonder if she ever felt used. It reminded me again of the first boy I fell in love with. I think his last name was Fortune. That’s one happening last name. “Sharon Fortune”  I’d like that. Maybe I’ll change my name.

You have to wonder what happened to all the people from the past. Maybe one day I’ll try and find Nancy on Facebook and we can chat again. Hey maybe even Nancy works for the gumball place now and her house has a basement full of candy!

Here’s my quote for today:

“God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” J M Barrie

Until we meet again, Sharon.


3 Comments so far

  1. Conspirama November 7th, 2008 6:22 pm

    Bubblegum Memories…

    Hi Everyone. I hope this blogs finds you all well and happy. I apologize for the tardiness in my writing. I was thinking today about how sometimes life is really good and you don’t really know it when you are in it but then when you ……

  2. natali November 8th, 2008 5:33 am

    Hi Sharon, I think of you when every I make a mermaid, and am still wondering how to making it with two tails.
    I’ve done some reading about it, so thank you for helping me find some incredible knowledge, indirectly 🙂

    Things are insane here. We all have birthdays now, and my 40th is this week on the full moon.

    Thanks so much for your support. I will definitely have to put more goddess pieces on the etsy site!

  3. Sharon November 8th, 2008 4:49 pm

    Hi Natali! Well Happy Birthday. 40’s are the best.Blessings to you for an abundant year! Sharon

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