Jul 13

The Great Aunts. Chapter Two

Hi Everyone.

How’s it going.

My sister wrote to remind me of the other funny things that happened in our lives that we talked about at the shower.

Remember when…..

…..my Dad made pancakes out of pizza flour for my two nieces….

….my son removed all the labels from all the can goods so that my parents never knew what they were getting when they opened a can (I’m not sure if this explains why my son was hiding in the lazy Susan but it could explain why my Mom’s hair was grey when she was on Earth)…..

….then there was the time when my Dad made Sake out of minute rice (that’s one of Bobby’s favorite stories).

Be Well my Friends.

Quote for you:

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” Walt Streightiff

Until we Meet Again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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