Aug 16

Moving and Whining.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello my Friends. How are you on this wonderful day? Welcome. I have to warn you on this one I’m going to whine a bit.

The last few weeks I have had the pleasure (not) of moving my children out of a four bedroom house into a storage unit. A lot of the stuff was mine too. Why is it that moving is so traumatic? You would think at the end it would be freeing and wonderful and a looking forward to new adventures but it is just plain terrible. It sends my emotions into a tailspin.

Maybe it is in my outlook on moving or something.

It didn’t help that my two grandchildren blueberry and hazel (two bengal cats) had to find temporary homes until everyone got settled. I did find a lady and all night I was thinking I abandoned my grandchildren. It was an awful feeling. Our two dogs would have had them for breakfast so they couldn’t come here.

It did get me thinking through. I just have way too much “stuff”. Do we really need all this stuff. We just use a small amount of clothes and even though the little “diddly” stuff is fun to look at do we really need it?

I have a friend and she said the best advice my sister ever gave her is to “get rid of anything you don’t use daily”. My sister is great. She has nothing in her house in excess of what she needs. She has one coffee table that opens up into a display case and she puts a little item she bought from her many adventures for her pleasure and few frames and that’s it. Whenever Bobby says let’s buy this for your sister I say “She doesn’t like stuff”.

I started thinking when packing with the kids what would happen if I died tomorrow who would have to go through all my stuff. It would be a nightmare and even though I consider some things valuable I don’t think anyone is going to have the patience to go through everything and sell them. It would be such a burden. The only person who would benefit would be 1-800-junk!

In my mundane job we have a saying “When in doubt, take it out.” and that is going to be my new motto at home to get me clearing out stuff “When in doubt, THROW it out.” (Well or donate it or sell it or whatever. – Hey maybe that’s my downfall? Hmm, thinking here.)
What do we really need anyway. A computer, kitchen stuff, clothes to get you through the week, a comfy bed, tv. Do I need papers from 10 years ago? no Do I need every little funny “thing” I picked up along the way? no Do I need every book I have ever read in my life? no My Raggedy Anne collection? of course I need that.

I know I will never be the “zen” type who can live with no closets and have everything perfect and white but hey I can unload some of this stuff from my life. Who knows maybe it will free things up and I will proceed along my path with lightening speed and ease.

Onward and Upward as I always say.

So that’s my whining for today.

Here’s my quote (just for the record I don’t hate my job. I bless it as it pays my bills.):

“…..Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don’t need. Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don’t really need. ” ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

Until we meet again, Sharon

P.S. Next time I will be more positive and uplifting, I promise.


2 Comments so far

  1. penny September 7th, 2008 9:23 am

    How true about stuff, we just moved and I got rid of so much! It was very freeing, but now I find myself buying things, like I am trying to replace what I gave up. But I love the quote, and I copied it to keep on my computer, and hopefully read daily.
    ~~ Penny

  2. Sharon September 7th, 2008 5:46 pm

    Thanks for visiting Penny. I’m glad you liked the quote. I’ll toss something if you toss something, lol. Abundant Blessings to you, Sharon

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