Mar 29

Well that was a waste of $6.00.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Everyone.

So are you having fun out there.

I’m not sure if it’s because Venus is in retrograde but my goodness it’s surely been a rocky few weeks for me and my family.

Between family events and my being sick I’m surprised I’m still standing upright.

Somehow I got Shingles. As yucky as it sounds its worse to really have it. I’m not sure if it’s the medication they give you to clear it up or the pain but it sure isn’t my most pleasant experience I’ve ever had.

It was a little fun at first because the drugs were making my dreams amazing. I even had one that Brad Pitt came and stayed with us because he wanted to get away from the limelight. It was such fun him hanging out with us. Strange dreams like that. That wore off though I guess my body got used to them. I think I slept a whole day straight. It was fun.

My husband feeling a little bad at everything I’ve been going through and realizing I’ve been trapped in the house for days on end suggested a date day.

I spruced myself up as much as I could (thank goodness he seems to have rose coloured glasses when it comes to me sick or otherwise) and off we went. We went out to our favorite breakfast place then we went to the show and then for an ice cream at the mall and to Chapters.

Somehow he convinced me to go see A Haunting in Connecticut. Now I remember seeing the one on tv and I couldn’t sleep well for a week so I wasn’t about to do the same thing. I sat there the whole time with my coat over my eyes. I kept saying what’s happening. Bobby kept saying just watch it. People were getting frustrated with my antics.

He asked me to go get popcorn and I was gone for a long time. I walked really slow hoping it was over.

I am grateful for everyone surviving everything and my Shingles to slowly go away especially the pain.

The hardest part of going back to work is thinking the people are looking at me like I would probably look at them in the past if they had Shingles. Euew! Get away from Me. It will be worse being psychic.

If you want to read a funny blog on Shingles check out Venus’ blog. It’s hilarious.

I know from experience that as bad as it gets is as good as it gets if you believe it will and I’m holding my breath here waiting for that damn pendulum to swing the other way for a while.

Quote for you:

“Dreams come true if you survive the hard times.” Author Unknown

Until we meet again, Sharon

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1 Comment so far

  1. Conspirama March 29th, 2009 2:34 pm

    Psychic Cottage » Well that was a waste of $6.00….

    It will be worse being psychic. If you want to read a funny blog on Shingles check out Venus’ blog. It’s hilarious. I know from experience that as bad as it gets is as good as it gets if you believe it will and I’m holding my breath ……

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