Jan 18

Clickitty, click.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone.

How are you today? I haven’t ventured out except to shovel the snow. I’m getting up the nerve. I have to go to Staples and to the grocery store and maybe just maybe Chapters as I have a gift certificate I’m itching to spend. Plus my Grandcats need their food which is impossible to find.

Every since Bobby started working Sunday’s I have tried to make him dinner. Not a feat for many but for me its a big deal.

I’m thinking pork chops?

Now we don’t use our oven, don’t ask, and we only use our little convection oven so I am a bit limited but I’m doing ok. Last week I made macaroni and cheese, the week before I made stew. I’m getting there. I’ll keep you posted on the chops. I’m thinking scalloped potatoes to go with it? How creative am I all of a sudden?

This blog is about yesterday and how I seemed to be in the zone and everything just clicked. I really think it is because of my practicing being in the “now” from the book A New Earth.

This is how my day went. I had the day to myself and I was just so guided to go to the casino. I love the casino. I don’t have many addictions except for maybe sweets and the casino. I usually do pretty well especially when the stars are in my favour. So off I go.

On the way up I stopped at this store called White Feather. I remembered about a year ago they had this beautiful jacket I loved but they never carried my size. I went in and you guessed it right there, with a bright white light around it (just kidding) was my jacket and in the exact size I wanted. It was the only one there as it was last years’ style. It reminded me of this jacket I wanted so bad when I was in my 30’s and I wouldn’t buy it because it was too expensive and then it was gone. So that was one miracle.

The next miracle happened at the casino. I was down big time, well in my world. I’m sure others would think it was peanuts. I was so confused because I felt so guided to go and then with my last $20 I sat down and guess what I won $476. Woo hoo!

The next miracle happened in Port Perry. I went to Tweed & Hickory to get coffee for our Keurig (If you don’t have one by the way get one. They are amazing. We stopped buying daily coffees because of it. Perfect every time. Both Bobby and I can’t make coffee for some reason so this was a great solution.) and I went into this little store, actually I cut through it as it was warmer from where I parked and I found this pewter ring that I have had out on the ether manifesting it since I started reading A New Earth. I wanted something not expensive but with writing that would remind me to stay in the moment. It was perfect. A ring with “Wish Wish Wish” on it. Every time I look at I, I remember to bring myself back to my breath. It was only $7.95 too and it fit.

Now I know I sound a bit addicted to form here which is what A New Earth is trying to get us away from but it felt so good like someone was listening to my requests and wants. Who knows maybe someone or something was.

If I didn’t have my chocolateless sundae my day would have been perfect, actually, it was perfect, chocolateless sundae and all. My life is good.

Quote for you:

“Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind: repetitive application – practice. What you practice is what you manifest.” Fay Weldon

Until we Meet Again, Sharon.

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