Jun 26

Heaven Sent.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome back to the TPC Blog.

Now I’m not big on the music scene. Sure I like to listen to Carol King or Cat Stevens for nostalgic reasons and I listen to Patsy Cline when I miss my Mom but I was home earlier than normal yesterday and for some reason something told me to watch Oprah.

It was all about UTube. It was fun to watch. I’m not a big TV watcher. I think I’m frightened to get addicted as I see people talking about their favourite shows and how they schedule their life around them. I really don’t have time and I keep thinking about something I read somewhere about the TV turning people into zombies when we should be waking up instead. Stuff like that sits in my mind sometimes.

The TV sure impressed me today though and I wondered what else I’m missing.

Oprah had on Paul Potts the opera singer and she showed his first audition on something called British has Talent. This man started singing and tears started running down my face. This was his first audition only! When he sang on Oprah after showing his Utube audition I must have been a sight because I was sitting there dumbfounded and the tears wouldn’t stop.

I wasn’t sad at all but it pulled at a part of my soul. I started thinking about timing and how people have started to pull away from each other because of cells phones and internet and other things. (When did we stop waving when someone lets us in while driving, or saying thank you or even opening doors for others.)

I started thinking that this man is a healer heaven sent by the Big Guy in the Sky. Can you imagine if only once someone gets to hear this wonderful man’s voice and heal that one part that needs healing or better still runs out and buys his CD to listen to and heal every time they listen. I know this man is a healer. He may not call himself one but I believe through his beautiful voice he heals. You might ask me how I know this but when I hear his music and the energy starts to crackle around my head and I feel good inside like when I meditate and have a connection to spirit I just know that this man is a healer and a total gift to Earth at this time.

The coolest part about him sharing his voice with us is that he was found through a show on TV. He is in telephone sales. By entering and winning he has given everyone hope that one day they will be able to use that one gift that makes them different. Everyone has it. Everyone is good at something. It’s that one thing you love to do that you would do even if you didn’t get paid for. Your passion.

Find your passion today and believe in yourself enough to share it with the world like Paul Potts did. I believe in you.

Two quotes for you today:
“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Red Auerbach

“Music is well said to be the speech of angels.” Thomas Carlyle

Until we meet again, Sharon

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