Mar 30

Patience is a Virtue

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Dear Pals. What’s cookin’? Hope not much its 12:18 am  when I write this.

I realized in the last few days that patience isn’t one of my talents.

My friend Carolyn and I got Charmed Aroma candles for a treat for our birthdays.

If you don’t know what they are let me tell you. You purchase a candle on line and hidden inside is a ring in tin foil. The ring is worth anywhere from $5 I believe and up to a few thousand. You receive a little code and you excitingly put it in and wait for the value of your buried treasure. Kind of  like gambling in the form of candles.

They were delivered to my house and I thought ok she gets first pick because otherwise its not fair. I tell you though I didn’t see Carolyn for a good week and I really wanted to get out my spoon and dig those suckers out!

That’s when I realized that I’m not patient at all.

Maybe another clue is that I can’t be bothered to scratch scratchy tickets. I just scratch the code and put it under the machine. Really I’m going to sit there rubbing off little letters. Ain’t happening?

Both our rings are pretty. Carolyn’s was worth $20 and mine was $50. Really if I saw them in the store I wouldn’t buy them and I’m not that fond of candles but the whole “rig a ma roll” or should I say “ring a ma roll” was pretty exciting.

OK I did dig mine out a bit early with tweezers but it was still fun. I’ll put a picture on my Psychic Cottage Instagram.

Quote for you:

“The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.”  Lao Tzu

Until we meet again, Sharon


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