Jun 14

Four Leaf Clovers and Love at First Sight.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Welcome my Friends to the TPC Blog.

I’ve been feeling a little reflective lately on my life and how grateful I am to have such a wonderful Family and totally cool Friends that are always there for me.

I’m feeling especially grateful for my wonderful husband, Bobby, and I thought it would be fun to tell you the magical events that lead to our meeting.

It’s a funny thing when life makes you hold your breath to see what the outcome will be on something which at the time seems bigger than life. This happened to me lately and Bobby was my rock and went with the flow and made everything ok. Sure I immediately called my healer before anyone and had healings coming out my ying yang, called the prayer line, had a good talk with the Big Guy above, called in Archangel Michael, etc etc. reaching out in the only way I knew how but somehow having Bobby with me and totally onside with everything made it all ok and safe.

Looking back the problem wasn’t as big as it seemed at the time. We all have our health and everything is Divinely guided anyway but it was an eye opening experience for me. It also helped me open a door to study more which is always a great thing.

I guess I wanted to just say to all the world how much I do love my Bobby and I’m so happy he came into my life.

Now to the blog, you won’t believe how we met, here goes.

I was without a man in my life for many years. Twelve I think.

My son and close friend worked for a company and I was there often picking up my son or visiting my friend Heather.

Heather had a friend at work (Bobby) that was always talking about his spiritual work and they would have conversations and I guess my name would come up in conversation because of the readings and such.

When I was younger I was told whenever a four leaf clover comes into my life to be aware something is about to happen that was very significant. Throughout my life it is my key. I remember meeting one of my spiritual teachers in my life Kathrine and she had on a four leaf clover necklace. I commented on how pretty it was the first time I met her and she took it off her neck and gave it to me. We worked together for many years and she taught me so much. There are other incidents too just as powerful. The reason for telling you this is because Bobby just has a gift of finding four leaf clovers. He sent me one through Heather. My ears sure perked up there. The first day my son started at the company he gave him a four leaf clover just because before he even knew he was my son or knew me for that matter. He just gave it to him.

Time went on and then I was told that I was about to meet my guy, his initials, when, the works. I thought it all silly at the time because I was alone for so long. I just couldn’t imagine someone fitting into my life. I had just started The Psychic Cottage in Unionville so between the kids, working full time and my business I wasn’t sure where this person would even fit into my life.

One day Heather said Bobby is coming to visit me. I thought great as I wanted to meet him too. I told my Friend that I thought Bobby was the guy that I was told I’m going to meet. She said no way. Then he came to meet me with his Mom Joan. I knew immediately he was the one. Heather came out and said “Geez there were birds floating around your heads when your eyes met”. Bobby’s life was complicated at the moment and I knew it would take time for the story to enfold and lots of patience but enfold it did and today we have moved forward together in so many ways. The spiritual work we do together is amazing.

(Bobby is Native and does such great work. Actually I’m going to be putting his readings on my site very soon so people will have a chance to have a reading with him. If you are interested in a reading or what they are about send me an email. If you want to see his leather work click on his website.)

(I remember many years ago after breaking up with my first husband doing up a wish list for my future husband. I found it many years later after I met Bobby and he was everything on this list. I guess it was a good exercise to do.)

The funny part was when I was with my Friend who I knew since grade two she said Sharon don’t you remember what you used to say when you were young? You used to say oh I just wish I could find my Bobby. Another friend who I would talk to said don’t you remember that Psychic telling you you would meet someone named Bobby and you looked everywhere for Bobby. Funny how all that went out the window and I forgot after all these years. Actually while I am writing this I remember I used to have dreams every so many days that a man was looking for me. I remember thinking it was a friend from school as they looked similar and I tried to find him asking everyone but could never find him. Then I realized when I met Bobby that the man I was seeing was Bobby. The dreams stopped after I met him.

Well at least I met him maybe late in life but we all have to be ready.

The first time my family met Bobby they couldn’t believe me. Bobby joked about something like my cooking (trust me he was right) and the family held their breath used to me “growling” at any kind of challenge sent in my direction and I just smiled. After I heard them whispering  “she must really like this one”.

Thank you My Guy for being there. I love you.

Ok, I had to do two quotes. I just couldn’t resist.

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles. ” –Willa Cather (1876-1947)

“Love enables you to put your deepest feelings and fears in the palm of your partner’s hand, knowing they will be handled with care. “–Carl S. Avery

Until we meet again, Sharon

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