Apr 17
Rita MacNeil
Hi Everyone!
I was so saddened to hear that the lovely Rita MacNeil passed over.
One of my fondest memories is when my sister Diane (Lavender Lady) and I went to Cape Breton and visited Rita’s teahouse.
We had such fun. Here is my sister and I sipping our tea with our Rita cups!
The food was wonderful and we said wouldn’t it be so cool if Rita popped by! Well we looked out the window and lo and behold guess who was coming in.
After lunch we asked if she would mind us taking a picture with her. Being so lovely she said yes even though I’m sure she just wanted to be left alone to have her tea.
This picture is a treasured one.
The world is a little less bright without Rita in it. God Bless you Rita and thank you for being You!
Quote for you:
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” Plato
Until we meet again, Sharon
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Where are we going next???
Ireland? England? Newfoundland? Anywhere? Ha Ha. You are the best travelling Pal and Sister!
What a wonderful story and experience! If you go to Newfoundland I’m coming!!! 🙂
Thanks Monique! If you are looking for a Reiki session and/or a Spirit Portrait Reading Monique is available for these at The li’l Psychic Cottage in the Mews in Oshawa! Contact her at 289-939-SEER (7337) to arrange.