Feb 18

What would my Pile look like.

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hi Everyone!

Happy Family Day.

Today Bobby and I went to breakfast at our favorite restaurant Sunnyside Eateries on King Street in Oshawa and outside in front of the restaurant in the garbage was the contents of one of the upstairs apartments all thrown out in bags and torn apart.

I was so saddened at not only how that got to be there but how it would feel to have your life thrown out for everyone to see. I saw a boot that looked like kind of a nice boot and a costly boot. I thought why would someone buy a pair of $100 boots if they didn’t have their rent paid; I thought why wouldn’t the landlord bring the clothes to the place where people could use them; I thought do they care; I thought did they move…did they pass…..are they in jail….did they move… it made me wonder.

Then I thought what would my pile look like! It would be a lot bigger than that pile for sure! Wouldn’t anyone care about the things that I have collected? Would one of my lone boots be on top of the pile in its luster?

I had the feeling that spirit wanted me to see this stuff all piled up in its sadness.

I do pray that the owners of this “stuff” are safe and will find happiness starting over.

Quote for you:

“Maybe it’s not always trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better…” Unknown quotes

Until we meet again, Sharon

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