May 27

Worry and Fear

Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Day! I hope this blog finds you well and happy.

I wanted to talk a bit about worry and fear.

We all do it. Anyone with children or family or friends or anyone they love will do it at some time or another. They may even do it about themselves.

The problem with worry is that it goes out there and creates the very thing that we are worried about. Kind of an odd dilemma isn’t it?

Our thoughts create our future so if we are sending out worry and fear we just get lots more back to worry about so that we are “right”. Do we want to allow our ego to be right or do we want to be happy?

Wouldn’t it be great if we were all enlightened enough to catch ourselves from this worry and fear once we find ourselves doing it and say “Cancel that Thought” and send out a positive vibe!

Ie. Let’s say your child goes out for the night. Your first thoughts are about when they are coming home safe even though you want them to have a good time. You think about someone and you think I hope they are well and this or that didn’t happen. When someone is sick you automatically go to fear.

Well Fear and Faith can’t live in the same moment so what we are all going to try and do is “Cancel Negativity” in the moment and then replace it with something good.

So we think “Oh crap I hope my son or daughter is fine.” then we say “Cancel that thought” and replace it with something like “I send out love to my son or daughter and circle them with loving light from the Universe as they are always safe in Gods hands.”

Well whatever you feel like saying right?

Isn’t that better then the above where you get freaked out, the children or whomever you are worried about get freaked out from receiving negativity and the Universe even though they always do they will get an extra reminder to allow protection and love to spread around.

Then in the moment calmness happens.

Try sending light and love to strangers and see what comes back to you too!

Crazy world we live in.

Quote for you:

“It ain’t no use putting up your umbrella ’till it rains.” Alice Caldwell Rice

Until we meet again, Sharon

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