Dec 28

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (“BHRT”)

Category: Musings by Sharon


What a Wonderful Day it is my Friends. How are you all out there in Blogland?

Men need not stay unless they are being growled at by their wives and haven’t done anything (I use this term loosely obviously) to deserve it.

I wanted to tell you about my experience with BHRT. I heard about it through my sister and other people that are doing it so I thought maybe it will make me feel better.

I didn’t realize I was feeling so crappy until after I started this therapy. I realized after when my body started to come alive again that I felt like I was encased in a gray substance that had hardened almost like I was a paper mache balloon that someone had painted gray. My skin was dry, my hair was dry, my body felt numb, I was moody, the list can go on here forever.

If I wasn’t rolling my eyes at my husband I was growling at him about something. I could see the horror behind his eyes like “OMG” I love this woman but is she going to be like this for another 35 years? Keep in mind he’s a lot younger than I am.

There were too many warnings with the artificial hormones so I wasn’t going near them but I felt good about BHRT.

So off I go to the office for my appointment. Now I feel like I’m in the room with the Stepford Wives. Everyone around my age is really just a little too happy. People are coming in trying to get appointments on the long waiting list. Everyone is smiling. My antenna was up wondering what was going on.

My friend said that aging is something we should do with Grace. I do agree with her but I’ll chat with her again when she’s 50. When we are in our 30’s we can say stuff like that. I know I could never have imagined that I would feel the way I do when I was 30.

A little background.  I had a lot of radiation when I was in my young teens for Hodgkin’s Disease and I read somewhere that menopause comes fast and furious when you have had radiation at a young age. I wasn’t wrong. It started in my early 40’s and I’m completely out of it already except for this “gray” situation.

So I go get my cream and I’m not expecting any miracles or anything.

I used it for a few days when I started noticing strange things. Nerves in my body started twitching. Not unlike when you have a nervous twitch in your eyelid or belly button that won’t go away. Weird places like the top of my leg on the front. It was almost like my body was coming alive again. My skin was soft and I found myself smiling more. The gray mass that surrounded me started to break away and my body came alive again. I was laughing again and couldn’t possibly walk by my husband without a hug and a kiss like I used to do.

I went and got my ears repierced. I dyed my hair dark instead of the blond that I had for so many years. It wasn’t too much effort to look in the mirror anymore.

I wanted to tell you all this in case you are feeling the same way and it can help you.

Suzanne Somers has a book out called Breakthrough that discusses it more at length.  She’s doing something right because she never ages.

So that’s it. I’m just telling you my story. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything as everyone is different. If we convince ourselves in our head that something like this is bad for us then it probably is but I know I love it so far.

For your quote today I’m giving you Sophia from Golden Girls. I’ll never forget this episode. I crack up every time I think of it. I thought it was fitting for my blog.

“Dorothy: [on menopause] What is the big deal, Blanche? It’s nothing. Look at it this way: you don’t get cramps once a month. You don’t go on eating binges once a month. You don’t get crazy once a month.
Sophia: You just grow a beard.
Dorothy: Don’t listen to her, Blanche.
Sophia: You grow a beard, Dorothy! Believe me, I woke up one morning, I looked like Arafat!
Blanche: Oh, my GOD!
Rose: I never grew a beard!
Sophia: You never grew brains, either!”

Until we meet again, Sharon


9 Comments so far

  1. Conspirama December 28th, 2008 6:13 am

    Psychic Cottage » Bioidential Hormone Replacement Therapy (”BHRT”)…

    Strumenti e risorse per le nuove forme di comunicazione….

  2. […] More: Psychic Cottage » Bioidential Hormone Replacement Therapy (”BHRT”) […]

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  4. Katie March 9th, 2009 6:40 am

    Hey Sharon,

    I found this very informative. Are you still on BHRT and what has your experience been like after a few months? I am going for an appointment in a few weeks. Looking forward to it. I too have all those same symptoms. I’m 47.


  5. Sharon March 9th, 2009 2:48 pm

    Hi Katie. It you stick with everything they tell you you feel great. I’m just a bit of a rebel sometimes. I have two creams, pills, fish oil and vitamin D. I had a reaction when I added vitamin D which took me off everything and I’m starting over. I don’t do well with certain things. I react to vitamins in an odd way. I felt like I needed hip replacement from it. Can’t explain. I stopped the Vit. D and the pain stopped. The creams make you feel mighty s*xy. Hold onto your hat! Sharon

  6. Katie March 26th, 2009 7:51 am

    Thanks Sharon!!! I’m looking forward to it all. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.

  7. Katie March 26th, 2009 11:17 am

    Oh, one other question. Did you start to lose weight at all. Don’t know if you need to or want to, but I was hoping that would happen for me as since I have hit this perimenopausal stage, I just keep gaining. Thanks a bunch for all your information. Your blog is fun!!!

  8. Sharon May 18th, 2009 4:59 pm

    Hi Katie. I apologize I just saw this comment when going through some old stuff. Hmmmm. No. Ha Ha. I didn’t lose weight and yes I need and want to lose. I’m thinking eating right and exercising would work but what fun is that? I want my cake and eat it too, with ice cream.


  9. […] Psychic Cottage Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT Posted by root 1 day 1 hour 8 minutes ago ( Psychic cottage bioidential hormone replacement therapy bhrt mydoctorblog i apologize i just saw this comment when going through some old stuff conditions disclaimer web site by mouth media powered by wordpress Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Psychic Cottage Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT […]

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