May 24

When We are in the Thick of It.

Category: Musings by Sharon

The Psychic Cottage blog welcomes you and hopes that you are living large.

In my business I get a lot of people calling in total panic when things don’t go well and it is always so sad to watch them go through their stuff.

I’m totally not exempt from this and I don’t want anyone to think that by doing this work that there are no ups and downs like anyone. I think sometimes there are big tests along the way for people that help others.

I will let spirit write this so you and I can maybe learn something about what to do when those moments happen.

The first thing to do when we are going through our “major crap” is to stop and listen as hard as that may be to do. One panicked moment will lead to the next if we don’t do this. The energy from the moment remember goes out and creates the next moment.

So first thing to do is stop and listen. Next step spirit says is to stop reacting immediately. Just be and observe otherwise again you are playing into it.

Watch who we are bringing into these moments to reinforce them. Sometimes the people who love us can be brought into our stuff by our challenging them and wanting them to agree to the dysfunction we are facing.

(Just for clarification we are talking about patterns and odd things we create for ourselves not the loss of someone close to us or something tragic as when those things happen all bets are off and we just get by until we are in a place where it is safe to come out and deal with everyday life.)

It’s almost if we can treat it like a jigsaw puzzle to see where all the parts fit we are in a better place.

If we can learn to enjoy it as an adventure and experience we are in an even better place but I think those so enlightened are far and few between. Dare to dream.

Then spirit says comes the inspection of the problem or the tearing apart of it! Who’s stuff is it? Is it mine? Is this familiar? Have I done this before?

The Ego will keep you in it remember as the chaos it is presenting allows the ego to SHINE!

Pull out your teachers at this point what you have learned from them?

Some of mine are friends and family, EFT, Byron Katie, Dorothy Gagnon, my healer, Soul Genesis, etc. etc.

Sometimes I’ve noticed in life that we are just meant to be still. Make sure it is not one of those moments. If you feel it is get out into nature and just be! Water is good for dumping stuff into.

Write! Writing is something that will help us to unload stuff in our mind when it gets all wound up.

So many things. If you think of something please add it to the comments to we can all learn together.

So that’s what’s on my mind today.

Quote for you:

“Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.ā€ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Until we meet again, Sharon


2 Comments so far

  1. Frank May 25th, 2012 9:26 pm

    I find drawing or painting helps me get a break from everyday life. It takes me into a different world where I can relax and forget about any stress I am experiencing. Of course writing is great too.

  2. Sharon May 26th, 2012 4:25 am

    True Frank! Anything Creative will get our mind thinking of a way out of day to day things. Thanks for that.

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