Dec 25

Merry Christmas!

Hello Dear Friends.

I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

I received the following from Angela a writer friend of mine and I thought I would share it with you as it is brilliant in that it made me and I’m sure others who read it a chance to remember to be grateful. She said I could share it with you. Enjoy.

“As another exciting year comes to its end, people tend to sit back in disbelief that it’s already over.  I’m surprised how each year speeds by faster than the last. This year was full of joy for me and I thank my lucky stars.  I’m sad to see the end draw near but I’m overwhelmed by the excitement 2009 will bring.

I am thankful to 2008 for the following: 1) I remain healthy; 2) I am blissfully in love with a man that consistently exceeds all of my expectations; 3) I was given a great opportunity to continue expanding my career experience; 4) I have met a lot of new people whom have enriched my life in ways that I never expected; 5) September 6, 2008, Mark asked me to marry him; 6) My family and friends have all learned from and enjoyed the 2008 year, even with it’s ups and downs and twists and turns; 7) I continue to love in ways that are so easy, yet often overlooked; 8 ) I have found my passion for writing again which was lost for a brief time; and 9) each and everyday I wake up and choose to remain happy.  Looking back on the year and acknowledging your fortunes is a great way to prepare for the upcoming year.  Appreciating your time and experiences takes only a moment but leaves a lasting happiness to carry you through the holidays.

While visualizing the upcoming year, the power of positive thinking can bring so much to your life.  As easy as it is to get lost in the chaos of life, it’s just as easy to get lost in the beauty of it.  If you could elect one environment over the other, wouldn’t you prefer beauty?  I know I would…and I do.  I know I am fortunate for so many things and I try to never lose sight of that.  To help me focus on the beauty of life, I reflect on all the gifts my journey has provided to me and I look forward to the gifts that will be coming my way.  2009 will be filled with happiness because that is what I believe.  Thinking positively allows me the courage to be confident with each new day because I believe everything will work out and everything happens for a reason.

In 2009, I hope for: 1) passionate loving companionship; 2) health and fitness; 3) ease of financial burdens; 4) confidence and respect; and 5) laughter.  I know 2009 will provide these to me, because it’s within my control to find them all.  We are responsible for our lessons and our lives; even though at times we feel lost. It’s natural to feel you’ve lost your way but trying to find your way back may be one of your greatest lessons.

To find happiness you must find yourself.  I’m lucky enough to have found myself at the same place I found my love, Mark.  Where were you found?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!”

Blessings to you at this time for a wonderful Christmas time.

A Quote for You.

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” Norman Vincent Peale

Until we meet again, Sharon

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1 Comment so far

  1. Conspirama December 26th, 2008 6:14 am

    Psychic Cottage » Merry Christmas!…

    Strumenti e risorse per le nuove forme di comunicazione….

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