Mar 9

There’s Magic in The Air

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello Dear Friends. Welcome to The Psychic Cottage blog.

There appears to be something happening today and I wanted you all to get on board.

First thing this morning I heard from a friend who went to do her taxes and it appears she has had some stocks from 2001 that she forgot aboutĀ and because she moved they weren’t able to send her her dividends! yippy $1,000 richer.

We got a call this morning that our Matrix needs a new computer which is covered by Toyota because there was some sort of problem with it. When we told them that we had this replaced a year agoĀ they said we can have that money back. Yippy $700 richer.

My niece had $600 stolen from her the other day from her car. She was heartbroken. Today she received a cheque from the government that was unexpected for $700.

Where is your money coming from on this magical day?

If you have had anything come in like this today please comment. If you haven’t yet plug into the magic you never know!

Quote for you:

“It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us.” Joanne Kathleen Rowling

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage


4 Comments so far

  1. Becki Selby March 9th, 2011 4:44 pm

    Yay for me! I asked the Universe for help like you said and it worked almost instantly! I also asked for Karma to take care of the theif/ves….I wonder how they’re making out….hahaha

  2. Sharon March 9th, 2011 5:08 pm

    Hee Hee! They will lose it fast I’m sure and then some. Silly people. Yippy! I’m so happy for you. Tell the Universe to keep comingwith the cashola, lol. 444 is my lucky number look what time your wrote that.

  3. Lavender Lady March 10th, 2011 8:41 am

    So my lucky number is 222.
    Yours is 444.

    So I guess you get 1/2 of the abundance and I only get a 1/4.

    But truly we both have 100%.

  4. Sharon March 10th, 2011 8:59 pm

    Yes I think we are both truly blessed.

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