Jan 10
Measuring Happiness
Hi Everyone. Isn’t the energy spinning along so fast! I’m not sure if I’m coming or going which is my normal pace but it seems to be going even faster than that!
I’ll have to spend some down time and get refocused.
I was talking today to a friend and we were talking about happiness. What does it mean when someone says they want to be happy?
We talked about how when you are “totally giddy” how sometimes the pendulum comes down in a painful swoop and balances the other way. Eeuw is all I can say to that.
So how do we find the balanced happiness and how do we say to ourselves I’m happy without setting up a preconceived threshold of how much happiness a person can have.
Is true happiness just being in the moment? Is it being in a state of “just being”? That was our conclusion as we discussed other people in our lives that seemed to be happy all the time. I’m like that but then I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m wandering around in la la land and not being grounded.
Sure I have my moments of being down of course like everyone but I’m the happiest when I’m in the moment of just beingness (it’s my blog and if I want to invent words I can, ha ha) . Not worried about the future and not worried about the past. Ahhhhh.
Quote for you:
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha
Until we meet again, Sharon
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