Apr 27

Did you have to remind me?

Hi Everyone. Welcome to the TPC Blog.

As you know from earlier blogs I’m off to Las Vegas for my 50th birthday in May. Now I’m not a big traveller and except for visiting Florida a couple of times, once with my Mom and Sister after I was sick when I was young and another time when my oldest boy (who is now 26) was a little guy, I haven’t been many places.

My Sister and I did go however to Salem years ago. We had so much fun. I love witchy things. I don’t consider myself Wiccan or anything. I just like witchy things. They just crack me up. In Salem everything is witchy. The fire trucks even have a witch on them. Actually one of my nickname’s is Swinaw which stands for “She who is not a Witch”. The reason for this is that people assume I’m Wiccan for some reason and I always say “Me? I am not a witch” so that is how Swinaw came about.

I have many nicknames. My husband calls me Fred for some odd reason which makes for fun in the shopping mall when I answer to it. I’ve been called “Smurfahontas” because when my husband started making leather native clothes I wanted all mine in bright blue. I am sure I have other nicknames too that I don’t know about if you get my drift.

Back to my story, (I sure get sidetracked quickly don’t I) I asked my sister if I should use the same suitcase I used when we went to Salem and she started to laugh hysterically and I’m like “what?” She reminded me of when we were on the airplane and we looked out and one of the suitcases fell off the luggage truck and was sitting out on the tarmac. We were snickering a bit thinking about what it would be like for that to be your suitcase until I noticed it looked familiar. You guessed it, it was my suitcase. No one was noticing it. Then to make matters worse this huge airplane was backing up almost over on top of it. Eventually (which seemed like hours) someone went out and got it but I was holding my breath for a while.

I think I will invest in a new suitcase. Shocking pink feels like a good colour. Maybe one of those ones that falls from the plane and survives too!

So I will leave you with a little reminder.

There but for the Grace of God go I.”

Until we meet again, Sharon

P.S. I just remembered about another two trips I took to Lilydale and the Spiritualist Community in Indiana (my friend remembers this trip well because she made fun of things all day and had a visitor of the spirit kind sit on her at night). Hmm, I feel another blog coming on….


2 Comments so far

  1. […] for abundance near the front door and my two geranium baskets for protection (no I am not a witch). This year my son helped me plant a really cute garden in the front. It’s not a wow garden […]

  2. Psychic Cottage » United Breaks Guitars July 11th, 2009 3:54 pm

    […] it reminded me of the time my own luggage was left out there or on its own. Here’s the blog I’m talking about where I told you about […]

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