Sep 10

What a Feeling!

Morning Everyone. How are you this lovely morning?

I went to a sweat lodge yesterday as my husband and our good friend Rick hold them at Rick’s place and I can’t imagine anything that feels much better then going to a sweat.

Of course anything in a sweat stays in a sweat but I can tell you about the overall good feelings.

I think I like the tradition of it. Certain things have to be done a certain way. Certain things can only be done by women and certain things by men.

I felt very honoured as there was a broken rib on the lodge and I was the one given the task of mending it and sending my feminine energy into the lodge. Isn’t that cool? Sounds a bit hokey as I’m writing it but it truly was a good experience to do that.

I remember in a sweat many moons ago I was the only woman and I was doing the tasks of separating the cedar and the Elder and the men gathered around me and sung to me in thanks. I have to tell you I was very honoured and felt a little silly when that happened. It was an amazing experience.

If you ever get an opportunity to go to a sweatlodge make sure you go. Of course trust the person holding it. Bobby & Rick host it so I was in good hands.

There is always a feast after the lodge which is the best. Rick makes the best chicken soup ever. It’s just as healing as the sweat.

Thanks Rick, Bobby, Pat & John for making the lodge a success as well as everyone who participated. Thank you for being you.

Quote for you:

“What is life? It is a flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.”  Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior and orator.

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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