Sep 3

So That’s Where All the Time Was Going.

Good Morning Dear Friends. Welcome to the TPC Blog.

I found it. I thought it was gone but I found it. What did I find you ask? My missing Time!

Before doing my Procrastination MP3 from Potentials Unlimited I couldn’t tell you how fast my days were going and most of them were spent not doing much really. I felt stressed that I wasn’t doing anything too. Double edged sword.  Since my tape I’m up early and most of my “have to’s” are done within a half an hour. Then I go on the computer to check business etc. and usually I would be on the computer all day “trying” to get things done but avoided them or waiting for motivation but since everything is done I just check in and then think ok what else do I have to do.

As I told you in another blog I’m doing up a room of my own so that the office I’ve set up in the kitchen can be moved into this room. (Oh just thinking it needs a name…..”Sharon’s Sanctuary”..maybe..). This is a very tiny room off the side of our house and goes out onto a deck which we never use because we never use this room. It is a bright room with sliding doors. It was yucky in colour (blue gross gray)  and ended up to be somewhat storage in our clutter world and it was kind of just where the dogs ate and we never ever opened the sliding doors or as I said above used the deck.

Bobby is in shock because he said ok clear out that room and I’ll paint when you have it done. It was one of those rooms where everything ended up. I know it was a trick and he was thinking well that will never get done so I’m safe. Doesn’t he get home last night and I’m like “Ok its all empty time for paint.”. I’ve been talking about doing this room for 5 years. I would like it done asap so if he doesn’t act fast its getting done by me. Painting can’t be that hard can it?

I even moved up this hundred ton Kwan Yin that I had on the grass onto the deck (Not sure how I got her up the stairs. I asked for help though and it worked, didn’t even have a sore back this morning) so she looks in the window when I go in the room.

I didn’t think my procrastination was that bad really. I thought I was working so hard. The neat part is it was so much harder to avoid work then it was to just do it. When we avoid something we feel bad somewhere deep inside. I think it is a feeling of laziness even though you are far from lazy. When you get things done it is very satisfying.

I’m so excited about this room of my own. I spoke to Jenny at City Cottage where I have my shop and I explained the bright pink I wanted and she kind of gulped and said go with white and then add bright pink accents to get the look. I felt so much better and relieved as I wasn’t sure how the bright pink was going to be. I guess that’s why I’m not a decorator.

It all started when I saw the pink Buddha at Urban Barn. I bought it and the room went around the Buddha. I’m not sure if Buddha appreciates being bright pink but hey he’s Buddha I’m sure anger isn’t on his list. The lady at the store called him Buddy. I’m thinking that one might test him a bit.

Here’s a picture of my laughing pink Buddha.

Don’t you love it? I can also bring into the room all my special pictures that give Bobby the willies.

I love Angelina Wrona. Don’t you? I find her work so cool. I have Visionary, Eloise and Bunny Couture. Just the small ones for now but some day I’ll get a big one.

So that’s it dear Friends. Love you all Tons

Quote for you:

“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.” Virginia Woolf

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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