Aug 11

Manifesting Like Blue

Good Morning Dear Friends.

I hear that its going to be a scorcher on the weekend. Yikes.

I’m thinking this morning that I have a lot to learn about manifesting from our dog, Blue.

Sure she uses destructive means but she does get what she wants which is usually around food explaining her waddle.

Once in a while Bobby buys her chicken wieners as a treat and when she knows they are in the fridge and only when we are in the kitchen she sits there by the fridge hour after hour until he gives her one. She doesn’t do it to me because she knows I won’t touch the things. They gross me out.  If she’s not doing that she is standing beside  (and sometimes scratches if we are not paying attention) the big garbage pail full of food and chews. If I’m on the phone she doesn’t stop barking so that I will get off the phone and give her something to make her be quiet.

Border Collies are always trying to outsmart you and usually succeed. She can be quite the b*tch pardon the pun.

Before the radio show I get out a bunch of chews and lock them in the front of the house and if they start barking I throw them some.

Ahh isn’t having a dog so wonderful. Hee Hee.

I’m thinking if I spend as much time on my manifesting as she does on hers that I might be receiving all of it.

Our other dog Bandit is completely different. Sure he loves to eat but his main goal in life is to follow Bobby and when Bobby isn’t home he waits for him.

Bandit did help us come up with the saying of “cross eyed good” though because when he is eating something he loves he looks at you and as he is licking it he crosses his eyes until he’s finished. It’s hilarious. When I get my camcorder which is on my manifesting list I will show you what it looks like.

Quote for you:

“Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window.” Steve Bluestone

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

P.S. I changed the title as Bobby brought it up to me it might not be appropriate. I wasn’t thinking on that one. I had Manifesting Doggy Style, oops. I’m not always the brightest bulb in the tanning bed.

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