Aug 3

Pet Styling By Becki & One, Two, Three, Four…..

Good Morning Everyone.

Bobby took me out this morning on my run so I didn’t look like a jerk in front of my Running Room peeps. He showed me what to do. Bobby’s Garmin was going crazy beep beep “speed up” which kind of means drop the slow poke.

I have to tell you that the counting thing really worked. It was like I could get to the end just by knowing that I only had to count a little more. I liked it. Then when Bobby was trying to get me to talk as I understand that is what you are supposed to do the timing went so quick as I missed half the numbers. I’m going to write a book about my new found way of running. Ha Ha. Too funny.

He dropped me off at home and then he went a “small” 6K. Hello?

If you received our newsletter (if you didn’t make sure you sign up on this blog and I’ll send you it) you know that my niece’s Grand Opening is today for her shop in Peterborough.

We are all so excited about this and very very proud.

Pet Styling By Becki.

Her phone number ends in DOGS. Like how cool is that?

So if you live in the Peterborough area and require some Grooming for your pets check out her shop.  The front of it is so beautiful. I couldn’t copy it from my email but I will show you in another blog.  

Quote for you:

“No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich.”
Louis Sabin

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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