Jun 18

Lottery Madness

Category: Musings by Sharon

Good Morning Dear Blog Friends. How are you this delicious day.

I’ve been taking somewhat of a break from everything until my voice heals and I’m feeling very “chillaxed”.

We have a very very busy weekend with a wedding of our friends. Congratulations Guys! It’s going to be lots of fun.

Today I have to find one of those squishy things that go under my dress to make it smooth and tidy with no lumps and bumps. I tried one on at Sears the other day and it was not a pleasant experience. I came out and said to the lovely sales girl that helped me pick it “that was hard on the self esteem”. I guess if you are squishing your body one place it has to go to another!

I got the best shoes. They are high high high. I’m a little worried because we have been exercising with a gym coach at the gym and my legs are hurting bad. I can only imagine how they are going to hurt after wearing these stilts.

They are beautiful though and they match my dress exactly. I’ll just stay sitting. I hope when I eat my squishy thing doesn’t explode. Great visual eh? She blew right out of her 4 inch shoes!

Oh ya topic of this blog is Lottery Madness.

Are you getting a ticket! It’s crazy. I read lottery sales are up 38%. They should have a national debt lottery. It would be paid of in no time. Good idea?

I always enjoy (not) the clever people who say. If you are a psychic why don’t you know the lottery numbers. I gently explain once again that if psychics knew the lottery numbers psychics wouldn’t exist. They would be known as intuitive millionaires instead.

Have you thought about what you would do with all that money? If Bobby and I start talking about it we start arguing right away. I say the first thing you do is get to a lawyer and figure it all out. Before you tell anyone except close family of course. That is if I don’t croak on the spot of finding out. Maybe people need a lawyer before checking their tickets! We always settle with when we go to the lawyer we each take our own half and do with it what we want. We would of course stay married as we adore each other it is just what to do with all that dough.

One of the things I would buy is a “psychiccottagemobile”. Oh yes it would be pink, oh yes it would have a monarch and flowers on it. With all that money I’d have Rachel (the illustrator of my website) design it. How so very cute would that be. Although with $50 million a business would be back burner stuff. Front and centre would be “let’s have some jolly fun shall we?”.

You know travel is involved. I’d love to see the world. Glastonbury England, Ireland, Canada east and west, California and that’s just the first 10 days, lol. Catch me if you can!

I would love to have a house that is totally self sufficient with water near that you can see from your bedroom.


Oh well enough dreaming. Back to reality until after they announce the numbers.

Quote for you:

“If you really want something in this life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they’re about to announce the lottery numbers” Dan Castellaneta (Yah Homer)

“The lottery is a tax on people who flunked math.” Monique Lloyd

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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