Oct 17

Raggedy Ann Addiction and Other Funny Stuff.

My dearest friends. How are you this wonderful day.

I have to tell you about my find which kind of leads into my addiction and other funny stories.

I totally love Raggedy Ann’s. Always have, always will.

….Oh just wait a little memory is surfacing here when I write this. The first time my husband kissed me many moons ago he said “I love you Sharon, I always have, I always will”. I thought it so romantic. Well that was until I watched Braveheart and I realized he got it from the movie. He denies it to this day. He said it was spontaneous.

Oh sorry back to my addiction.

So last Saturday I was finishing up my readings for the day and had a little walk around Bowmanville.  This  is usually a mistake because I find all sorts of neat things to buy and the money I made for readings goes back into stuff I don’t need. This day was different because I found something I truly needed.

As words cannot give her justice here’s a picture of her.

Is she not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? She was made by my favorite Raggedy Ann maker of all times Jenn from Primitives by Jenn.

When I go to a show and Jenn has a spot there I stand in the middle of her booth in awe. Bobby usually has to drag me out or buy me something to get me to go.

Here’s a picture of  two other Raggedy Ann’s she made that I received as gifts.

My sister-in-law, Christine,  was looking for something to buy me one year and I guess Bobby told her I love them and she got me one. When I opened it she said I can’t believe you like that thing. It looks like someone pulled it out of a garbage. To me they are the most beautiful things in the world.

When I was young I always had a business. We’re talking around 12 or 13 maybe younger. I made those octopuses made out of Phentex. Remember Phentex? Yuck I don’t think anyone would touch the stuff now. I made and my Mom sold at work thousands of those things. I crocheted granny square vests. My Mom even said that two of my vests ended up with Anne Murray’s daughters through someone my Mom knew at work. Hard to prove but it made me happy when I was a young entrepreneur.

My favorite adventure in the business world was my Raggedy Ann business. My sister-in-law, Darlene, and I started making them together and selling Raggedy Anns. When my Mom passed away and we were going through her things we found one of them that made it through all these years. Through every grandchild.  Here’s a picture for you to see.

I thought of sewing her eyes back and fixing her up but I thought. You know what if I made her when I was 13 that would make her 37 and I’m not sure what that would be in doll years but I’m thinking she’s earned looking a little wonky and no one can say a thing. Hey I know I’m 50 and wonky and no one says anything. Well I haven’t heard anything lately but who knows after people read this blog.

Here’s a funny story about the whole Raggedy Ann business adventure that will give you giggles. Darlene and I decided that bigger is always better so why don’t we make a life size Raggedy Ann. We sewed her up and she was looking mighty happening you know. We thought we’ll make a mess inside so we stuffed her outside. Did I mention it was windy? As we were stuffing most of the stuffing was blowing away and it was looking like Christmas. When we looked up the dog Molly was all covered in stuffing and to make it even funnier she was on the front of the boat. We both looked up at the same time and here was Molly doing her best Titanic impersonation and we howled in laughter. I don’t even know what happened to that Raggedy Ann but she sure gave us a lifetime of laughter. Maybe she’s out there somewhere and people look at her and say “what were they thinking?”

My quote today is from the owner of  Joe Singer Shoes in Richmond Hill. I said to him one day that I really shouldn’t be buying yet another pair of shoes that I really don’t need and he said:

There are worst addictions“.

So blessings to all you people out there with harmless addictions. And for our fellow brothers and sisters out there with harmful addictions,  prayers to you that for one moment you have the clarity to ask for God’s help in finding your divine destiny.

Until we meet again, Sharon


3 Comments so far

  1. Conspirama October 17th, 2008 7:52 pm

    Raggedy Ann Addiction and Other Funny Stuff….

    My dearest friends. How are you this wonderful day. I have to tell you about my find which kind of leads into my addiction and other funny stories. I totally love Raggedy Ann’s. Always have, always will. ….Oh just wait a little memory ……

  2. Psychic Cottage » All Decked Out. June 16th, 2009 1:03 pm

    […] saw the whole thing so they were laughing their head off too! Like that story doesn’t get my sister-in-law […]

  3. Psychic Cottage » Run Bobby Run! March 28th, 2010 8:15 am

    […] running 30K. It’s so bizarre. In the words of the owner of Singer Shoes as mentioned in my blog “There are worse […]

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