May 25


Dear Blog Friends. So glad you could come and visit.

Is it hot enough for you? Holy Cow its like a million degrees out here in Ontario. I wouldn’t have noticed really but I went to Visit my wonderful Dr. Angelface this morning and Daisy doesn’t have air and only one window works.  I was ok when I was buzzing along but when traffic hit it was suffocating.

Life is really really great though. If that is one’s only problem in life I’m thinking  my life is a breeze.

Bobby and I went to the flea market they have at Canadian Tire on holidays like we always do and I saw a boomerang for sale. I didn’t buy it but I got to thinking about how cool a boomerang really is and what a great metaphor it is for life and energy and of course our thoughts. Not only that but it is such a fun word to say. It almost tickles.

We throw out energy (good or bad) and it comes back to us. It is one of the Universal Laws. It’s that simple.

I receive daily a wonderful affirmation from Anne Marie Evers. In one of her recent daily affirmations  she said to greet each day with a wonderful affirmation. Throw your arms up and do it.

I’ve been doing it daily and whenever I get the urge really and I feel so good. I can’t wipe the smile off my face. People are wondering what I’m up to. Just in case you see me with my arms in the air smiling and looking up to the sky and going around in a circle don’t call the authorities its just me doing my thing.

I’m sure its a combination of several wonderful things happening in my life but it sure feels good to act silly and light. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Be Happy and Silly Dear Friends. Thank you Anne Marie Evers for being you!

Quote for you:

“If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.” Andy Rooney

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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