May 1

Caught in the Act

Hello Dear Blog Friends. How are you tonight? It’s a wonderful night.

Today was a delightful day. My husband took my Mother-in-Law and I  out for a dinner and show for my Mother-in-law’s  65th birthday.

It was such fun. Thanks Bobby!

I also got caught with my hands in the cookie jar.

We go into Lone Star and there is a bowl of mints. I always grab a bunch for Bobby as he loves mints. Personally I don’t like mints (except for Bob’s Mints, pardon the pun) but for him I grab them. So don’t I have my hand full of them being very discrete and we are almost at our table and being in an open space, wood floor, with tables all around I go to put them in the pocket of my new coat. Now this coat does have pockets but instead of the pocket I put them under the belt and basically into thin air and the candies went flying everywhere.

So I immediately crack up laughing in this loud cackle which makes everyone look and Bobby and my Mother-in-Law and the waiter as well as the Waitress that was being trained all burst out laughing. My face was so red while I was picking them all up off the floor and shoved them in my pocket. Good thing I only grabbed 5 and not 45.

That could only have happened to me.

I immediately looked around and said OK no one got that on a phone camera right I don’t want to be on youtube with this one.

I slide over to the wall seat and layed low throughout dinner. The waitress said I could have a handful of mints when I leave and not to worry about it.

Isn’t that hilarious.

After we went to see Oceans. It was so good. Amazing really. I loved the words at the end. Bobby was so tired he snored through the whole thing. I really enjoyed it as did Joan.

Happy Birthday Joan. Thanks for being you.

Quote for you:

The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.”
~ Douglas Engelbart

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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