Oct 12

Ventura Adventure

Category: Musings by Sharon

Hello dear friends. It’s so beautiful out isn’t it? God is good.

Yesterday I was feeling a little guilty about the whole “Billy Blastoff” thing and that I haven’t been on the hub’s motorcycle since then so I thought it’s a beautiful day why don’t we go on the motorcycle today.

Stupidly I said let’s take the motorcycle to Keswick because we were visiting our dear friends. I needed to get in my weekly acupuncture treatment and its been a while since we all got together. We missed our friends.

Now Oshawa to Keswick in Martin* (our car) feels like a l/2 hour. On the motorcycle it felt like 5 hours and that’s being nice. Don’t get me wrong it was beautiful seeing and smelling all of nature but it just felt like it was never going to end.

So once we were there I forgot all about the dreadful long ride. Especially after getting my treatment. Ahhhh Acupuncture. Like childbirth once they plop that little baby in your lap “most” of the pain and suffering goes away. Well until they’re 13, lol. Just kidding.

As always Debbie loves to cook and made us a beautiful dinner. Then reality set in. We had to drive home in the dark, in the cold, on this silly motorcycle.

Thank goodness I wore my red leather motorcycle jacket of many years ago. Just a little diversion for you. I bought this jacket a long time ago as I thought red and motorcycle together were just so funky. Not thinking at the time that Mr. Michael Jackson also wore one in his video with the one glove thing going on.  Everywhere I went in the jacket I got “where’s your glove?”. I threw it in the closet and never took it out again. Until now. Michael Jackson’s glove long forgotten I can now be me and funky. Oh ya!

Ok back to my story.

We get on the motorcycle and its so so so cold, its dark and time has now stood still. To get home I think it felt like about 30 hours. My poor husband didn’t even have a face mask. He said this morning his eyes still feel frozen. (I had to hear again about if he had bought the mask he wanted he wouldn’t have been cold. I told him he would look silly if he bought one. Keep in mind its not plain in colour but looks like a d*vil or a monster, skull or an eagle, and the list goes on. Boys will be boys.)

It was awful. I even did this weird thing and looked down at the ground. Reality set in at that moment when I realized that basically I’m sitting out in the open on this two wheely thing going lord knows how fast. My stomach did a little  thing until I realized if I threw up it would go inside my helmet which wouldn’t be pretty at all.

So this is what I learned from my adventure as we are always to learn from everything:

1. I’m way too old for a motorcycle (this lesson is obviously a hard one to get as I keep repeating it).

2. My bladder isn’t what it used to be when bouncing up and down on a motorcycle. We had to stop at Tim’s.

3. When driving at night on a motorcycle (if that ever happens again) dress according to the dead of winter.

4. If you have an injury from 30 years ago that you forgot about from an old accident it will reappear when driving on a motorcycle (I’m so sore today).

5. Never look down.

6. Pray.

We woke up this morning and my husband is like, let’s go out on the motorcycle. I’m like are you crazy? Let me recover for a few days.

It was hilarious we were at a red light and Bobby says. Well I can’t wait to read the blog on this one. He’s like I can see it now. “Heaven and H*ll all in one day. We started out seeing the lovely leaves and then it all turned bad. We froze to death. I’m never getting on that thing again. ” He went on some more. Funny guy.  He knows me too well.

So that’s it regarding the adventure.

Here’s a quote for you:

“Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.” (no name provided)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

*P.S. Our car got the name Martin because one day my old car Suzy died on my way home and I didn’t have a phone and I did a quick prayer as I was chugg luggin’ on the side of the road for help. That’s where Martin came in. He stopped, helped me out, checked out the car, gave me the phone to call Bobby and just plain took care of me. Then when he knew I was safe he said “oh look up there someone else needs my help”. He was very cool. Hence my cars’ name.

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