Mar 29

Dueling Laptops

Hello Dear Friends. How are you this glorious day. I’m looking forward to the wonderful weather coming up. Woo hoo.

I have to tell you about last weeks radio show. As you know I had Eryn on to do readings with me and I thought it clever to have Eryn to our house to do the radio show (hopefully she has recovered from the shock of the clutter) and we can both use our laptops across from each other on the kitchen table. We looked like we were doing a game of You Sunk my Battleship.

Who knew (well probably everyone but me) that it would cause a ton of interference between the computers.

I was all excited and I was acting cool in front of Eryn like I do this all the time and know what I’m doing and we were both ready for our call in listeners when all of a sudden we were the producers worse nightmare.

How it works on the radio show is that a few minutes before you go on the producer calls and says ok sound check. Well he wasn’t prepared for our Dueling laptops and he was like OMG what’s going on. When I told him our clever set up he was like get at the other ends of the house to separate them.

Well the other end of our house is like 12 feet I think as the dogs were in the front of the house and we were at the back.

The producer did some fast typing on Skype and a few quick phone calls and it was fine. We did a few switches between us with Eryn taking the earphones and then switching to phone and back and forth but he cleverly pulled it off.

To add more panic I suggested Eryn to hang up the phone during the break to recharge it not thinking that we would need to pick up the other phone to keep the line live.

I’m not sure if the Producer of the show is talking to me. I’ll find out on Wednesday when he doesn’t call and I am replaced with another Psychic.

I can official say to myself here “What was I thinking?”

So to my Producer Extraordinaire, thank you for pulling it off and to Eryn, sorry for the panic next time I’ll know better. Thank you both for being in my life and for being you. After all someone has to pick up the pieces of my crazy thinking.

Quote for you:

“Chaos, panic and disorder – my work here is done.” (Can’t find author here?)

Until we meet again, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

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